Continuous Motion Development
Online proposal development for the Green Party of Canada
ATTENTION: This space currently available for testing purposes only. Please do not submit proposals until this warning has been removed.
About this organization
The Continuous Motion Development Process: Driving Member-Led Initiatives.
Note: To access the 2023 Workshop, go to this link.
Our political movement is deeply committed to inclusivity, transparency, and grassroots policy development. The Continuous Motion Development (CMD) process empowers members to actively participate in policy development that reflects our Green Values and creates positive change for our country and planet.
WeDecide is the online participatory democracy platform used by the Green Party of Canada to develop, debate, refine, and workshop policies submitted by members. Once a CMD policy motion is finalized, it moves to an all-member vote.
Members can access the original report of the Committee on Motion Development.
Governance proposals follow the same process, except they move to a General Meeting (GM) for additional debate, possible amendment, and a vote. Governance motions are posted on the GM webpage 60 days before the meeting. After the GM, constitutional and bylaw amendments must be sent to an all-member ratification vote.
Process Overview:
(1) Create
A member creates a draft in the (1A) Drafting Area. The creator, members, and proposal shepherds collaborate to develop the policy. Once the collaborative draft is ready to seek sponsors, it is promoted to (1B) as a proposal. Members continue to discuss, give feedback, and suggest changes. Proposals that obtain enough sponsors and comply with the Proposal Submission Rules move forward.
(2) Workshop
Workshops facilitate discussion, debate, and suggest wording changes to proposals.
(3) Vote
Finalized policy statements (operative clauses) become CMD motions and are sent to an all-member vote. This vote is subject to the same quorum as a General Meeting to ensure decisions are representative of our collective will.
(4) Implement
CMD policy motions that pass the all-member vote, are tracked until publication in the Member Approved Policy Book (Green Book). Governance motions adopted at a General Meeting are tracked once the ratification vote results are available.
This iterative, participatory method allows our members to drive the future of our party and nation. We are creating a more democratic, equitable, and sustainable Canada.
Join the conversation on WeDecide. Let’s create change together!
Click here to join the Green Party of Canada and have your voice heard.
(1B) Create See all proposals (5)
This section is where you provide the rationale or context for the policy. Aim...
This section is where you provide the rationale or context for the policy. Aim...
This section is where you provide the rationale or context for the policy. Aim...
This section is where you provide the rationale or context for the policy. Aim...
(3) Vote See all proposals (9)
Created at
30/10/2024 -
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29/10/2024 -
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06/11/2024 -
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25/11/2024 -
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