2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
About this process
Click here to see recent Internal Elections
Federal Council
Federal Council governs the Green Party of Canada on behalf of members like you.
It is essentially the board of the directors for the Party, determining planning, vision and budget.
This year there are 10 of 21 voting positions of Federal Council up for election:
Nationally-elected Positions
- Anglophone Vice-Chair
- Fund Representative
- First Nations Representative (1 year)
- Inuit Representative
- Métis Representative
Regionally-elected Positions
- British Columbia Representative
- Newfoundland & Labrador (1 year)
- Nova Scotia Representative
- Prince Edward Island Representative
- Saskatchewan Representative
Constitution of the Green Party of Canada
View the current composition of Council >>
Young Greens of Canada Council
There are also positions of Young Greens Council up for election:
- Two Co-Chairs (see section 4.6-
Six (6) Regional Representatives:
- One (1) British Columbia Representative (1 year)
- One (1) Prairies Representative
- One (1) Ontario Representative
- One (1) Quebec Representative (1 year)
- One (1) Atlantic Representative (1 year)
- One (1) Northern Representative
Three (3) Project Coordinators:
- One (1) Finance Coordinator (one year)
- One (1) Engagement Coordinator
- One (1) Advocacy Coordinator
The purpose of the Young Greens of Canada (YGC) is to:
- support the Green Party in their efforts to elect candidates to the House of Commons;
- ensure a youth voice is part of debating and forming legislation in Canada’s Parliament;
- ensure a youth voice is part of developing the policy, positions, and platforms of the Party;
- facilitate the involvement of young Canadians and encourage youth-friendly structures and atmosphere within the YGC and the Party more broadly; and
- ensure the Principles of the Global Greens Charter that reference young people are respected and prioritized.
As the governance body of the YGC, the YGC Council provides leadership and representation for the Young Greens membership. In this role, they are responsible for ensuring that the above aims are being met with the support of staff, and for providing the strategic direction needed to achieve them. This means making decisions on strategic goals and advising on the budget, advocating for youth both within the Party and out, and spearheading a diverse array of projects aimed at growing the Young Greens movement and encouraging youth engagement in politics.
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