Continuous Motion Development
Online proposal development for the Green Party of Canada
Policy Workshop: Infrastructure, Health & Population Growth
Policy Workshop on the following policy proposals:
C24-P011: Resolution on Sharing the Commons. Received 46.1% green votes in the online Bonser.
Free post-secondary for Doctors and Nurses. Received 43.3% green votes in the online Bonser.
Reduce Canada's population growth to a moderate sustainable level. Received 34% green votes in the online Bonser.
Each submitter will have 4 minutes to speak to their policy proposal before addressing any points of clarification. The floor will then open to debate and possible friendly amendments. Friendly amendments will be done using the “propose amendment” button in WeDecide. If you have an amendment to propose, please submit it before the policy workshop by clicking on the 'propose amendment' button on each proposal's WeDecide Workshop page. To learn how to use this feature, refer to the instructional video or document. Thirty (30) minutes maximum will be allocated to each proposal.
Once 8-10 policy proposals have been workshopped and finalized, an all-member vote will be held using Simply Voting. A policy must receive at least 60% approval in the all-member vote to be adopted and added to the Green Party of Canada's policy book. To ensure broad consensus, the minimum number of ballots cast must meet the quorum requirement of a general meeting.
How to attend the Meeting
- Make sure you're logged in, by signing in to WeDecide and select "sign in with GPC account"
- Come to this page a few minutes before the meeting begins and click on the link under "Meeting in Progress"
How to Register for the Meeting
- You must be a GPC member to attend policy workshops
Sign in to WeDecide and select "sign in with GPC account"
If you forget your password, you can recover it here:
If you're a member who hasn't created a GPC online account, you can create one here:
- Click the 'Sign-up for meeting" button on this page
- Click "Add to calendar" to add the meeting to your personal calendar
- You will receive a registration confirmation by email
If you are still having difficulty, please email [email protected] for rapid support.
Don't forget to look at other workshops here:
How to be informed of future workshops
- Make sure your notification settings are set to receive notifications by setting "I want to receive notifications" here:
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