Continuous Motion Development
Online proposal development for the Green Party of Canada
C24-P013 Replace the Monarchy
Policy Motion:
The Green Party of Canada will promote convening a Citizen's Assembly to propose, in partnership with Indigenous groups and other affected parties, a new system to replace the British monarch as Canada's head of state.
Submitter: Stuart Hunter
Bonser Results: Categorised as Yellow. Received 50.3% green votes, 15.7%% yellow votes. This motion underwent a policy workshop and an amendment was accepted.
Sponsors: Stuart Hunter, Matthew Clarke, Bridget Burns, Samuel Moisan-Domm, Alison Lam, Andrew Rose, Jayden Hunter, Ian Soutar, Meghan Hunter, Randi Ramdeen, Jonathan Pedneault, Derek Menard, Bill Henry, Niall Lawlor, Andy Shadrack, Josef Cherniawsky, Tim Grant, Gabriel Blanc, Anna Keenan, Vincent J.Carbonneau, Dimitri Lascaris, Donna Mendelsohn, Bruce Gunn, Allan Willms, Dugald, Jesse Stuart, jason baines, Michael Barkley, Philip Mueller, John DeMarco, Margaret Rogers, Mr. John Grogan, Tyler Beaulac, Heather Ramsay, Farrukh Chishtie, juliovalencia, Vaalea Darkke, J Herbert Latchko, Ms. Celena Benndorf, Harmon Pope.
Note: This policy motion will be included in the Continuous Motion Development all-member vote. Click here to review the Workshop version which contains background information, member comments & amendment history.
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