Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May's Campaign
About this organization
Why are we Greens?
If your answer is to ensure our youth inherit a livable, peaceful future, you’ll be interested in our plan.
It’s a plan for the Green Party of Canada, the country and the planet.
Please visit https://elizabethmay.ca/ for more information.
Jonathan Pedneault & Elizabeth May
Weathers the storms, listens to its members, fights the good fight and wins Canadians’ hearts and minds.
We know one another’s strengths and weaknesses. We are committed to a clear, transparent and accountable delineation of responsibilities between us, creating a convivial, inspiring arrangement building on what other Green Parties throughout the world have successfully achieved.
By sharing the workload, with Elizabeth focusing on Parliamentary work and Jonathan on the party’s internal regeneration until the next election, we offer a value proposition to deliver public mobilization to achieve urgent climate action while successfully meeting financial challenges through unprecedented levels of fundraising and membership growth.
Working side by side with members and a strong team across the country, we believe this synergy can bring the Green Party of Canada to a position where it can best serve our democracy, our country and the planet.
- Two inspiring leaders, fluent in both official languages, who are ready to hit the ground running;
- The inclusion of all leadership candidates in a strengthened, representative and empowered shadow cabinet that is equipped to participate and engage in debates at the national and local level to present Green policies in as many fora as possible;
- A lower cost to the party with Elizabeth working as volunteer leader, as she did from 2011-2019, and Jonathan willing to lead by example in tight economic times and reduce the leader’s salary to $90,000;
- Immediate, active and hands-on fundraising efforts by both co-leaders to replenish the party’s coffers, ensure key positions within the party are funded and prepare for the next election;
- A series of in-person seminars for GPC Federal Council, Young Greens, the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Circle, the Women’s Caucus, EDA leadership across Canada, staff and Fund to mend divisions and ensure all key components of the party work well together and are committed to assisting the co-leaders and candidates in winning seats and increasing the party’s ability to enact change;
- A commitment to working with and empowering EDAs to ensure candidates are nominated as early as possible, have ways to input into the national campaign planning and are supported by the central party during the election;
- Ensure that Mike and Elizabeth are re-elected, bring Paul back as the Nanaimo-Ladysmith MP and elect at least an additional 10 Green MPs throughout the country, including Jonathan in Québec;
- A strengthened Parliamentary presence that will allow the GPC to expand the Green caucus and increase pressure on the NDP-supported Liberal government on climate, inflation, health, housing, reconciliation and emergency preparedness.
A record of service
Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May’s life is defined by one word: service. Service to community, country and planet. One of Canada’s best-known parliamentarians, she is a life-long environmentalist. From 2006 to 2019, she led the Green Party of Canada through four federal elections, including the breakthrough 2011 election in which she became Canada’s first elected Green.
From her early years as an environmental activist, struggling financially while waiting tables at the family restaurant in Cape Breton, to her work, as a single mom, bringing the voices of underprivileged communities to the halls of power, she has been a trail blazer for generations of Canadian women and activists.
Elizabeth was the first Canadian environmentalist to identify how
environmental racism caused marginalized people to be exposed to
unacceptable threats to their health. Elizabeth used her legal training and resources to assist Indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world.
When legal and political avenues failed to yield results, Elizabeth put her body, safety and well-being on the line. In May 2001, she went on a seventeen-day hunger strike in front of Parliament Hill protesting toxic conditions for the only predominately Black community on Cape Breton Island, near the infamous Sydney Tar Ponds. That work led directly to C-226, her Private Members Bill (PMB) on Environmental Racism. Defying the odds in the uphill struggle of PMBs, C-226 follows two of her PMBs – now law – on Lyme Disease and banning keeping cetaceans in captivity. She stands on principle, resigning when her Environment Minister boss broke the law in 1988; resigning despite having had many successes in her role as Senior Policy Advisor – including the 1987 Montreal Protocol that saved the ozone layer. She was the only MP to intervene at the NEB against the pipeline, facing arrest in March 2018 protesting TMX.
Canada and the world are failing to live up to their responsibilities towards future generations. Elizabeth is dedicating herself once again to ensure her grandkids inherit a livable future.
Always deeply committed to the Green movement, she now asks members for their renewed trust to help give Canadians the credible, actionable alternative they deserve.
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We're building a new kind of politics. One that is open, participatory, and people-powered
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