Federal Council
Governing body of the Green Party of Canada
About this organization
Federal Council ensures that: the party remains true to its purpose; follows the Global Green Principles; and has the operational capacity to promote Green policies with the strongest possible voice in Parliament and in communities across the country.
Federal Council (FC) governs the Party between General Meetings of the membership, taking direction from the Constitution and Bylaws and from decisions made at previous General Meetings. FC is accountable to members at General Meetings.
FC makes certain that:
- the decisions of GPC members in Convention are respected;
- the GPC nominates candidates and elects MPs who follow Green principles as described in the Global Green Charter and who commit to the official policies of the Party, all In accordance with the Elections Act; and
- the office of the Party avoids unacceptable actions as described in the Statement of Executive Director Limitations.
All Councillors have a fiduciary responsibility as outlined in the Federal Council Code of Conduct.
The FC will direct, control, and inspire the GPC through careful establishment of Strategic Plan Goals reflecting the Party’s Constitution, values and perspectives. The FC’s major focus will be overseeing or implementing the Strengthening of Member Engagement, Election Readiness, Governance Reform, and Management of Human and Financial Resources all while using a collaborative governance approach. While respecting the democratic process and the Principles, the FC will act to ensure that nothing unreasonably hinders the fulfillment of FC's group obligations to achieve the agreed Goals in a timely manner.
As a governance body, Federal Council makes decisions collectively; no individual council member has decision-making authority. The committees provide oversight and conduct research on behalf of Council. Most of the committees are not decision-making bodies but provide recommendations to Federal Council. Committees undertake the work identified in their Terms of Reference which are approved by Federal Council.
Committees are appointed by Federal Council on an annual basis and are made up of Federal Council members who hold an interest in the specific work. Each committee selects a chair and meets as needed by teleconference or webinar and during Council meetings. Committee Chairs are organizers and facilitators, and do not carry executive authority of the committee except as explicitly delegated by the committee.
There is an Executive Council composed of the President, the Leader, the two Vice Presidents and the Fund Representative. The Executive Director is an Ex-Officio member.
Executive Council makes decisions on specific issues between meetings of Federal Council.
All Green Party of Canada members are eligible for nomination to Federal Council provided they meet the criteria outlined in the job description. The term of office is 2 years or the balance of the 2 year term for each Council position that becomes vacant. For more information on Federal Council, please refer to the Constitution and Bylaws.
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