- Proposal text
- The Green Party should replace LGBTQ+ with 2SLGBTQIA+ to include Two-Spirit individuals in addition
- to intersex and Asexual individuals so that it is more inclusive.
- Submitter: Robert Gibson
- Note from staff: This proposal has been posted for your consideration at the 2023 Annual General
- Meeting. The content of this proposal is fixed, however a draft version has also been posted in the
- Workshop to allow you to collaborate with the submitter on possible amendments and to review the
- rationale and background information of the proposal. You can access the workshop version of this
- proposal here ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4220 ), which the submitter is still
- able to edit.
- Proposal text
- The Green Party should replace LGBTQ+ with 2SLGBTQIA+ to include Two-Spirit individuals in addition
- to intersex and Asexual individuals so that it is more inclusive.
- Submitter: Robert Gibson
- +Sponsors: Robert Gibson , Vincent J.Carbonneau, Jennifer Purdy, Anna Keenan, Laurence H Montgomery,
- +James M Ker, Kyle Hutton, Dugald, Stephen Warwick, Jesse Stuart, Stacy Neilson, John Weston, Nathan
- +Budd, Tyler Beaulac, Bruce Gunn, Kathryn Noddin, Evelyn Tanaka, Richard Demontigny, Matt Penney,
- +Erika Warnes
- +
- Note from staff: This proposal has been posted for your consideration at the 2023 Annual General
- Meeting. The content of this proposal is fixed, however a draft version has also been posted in the
- Workshop to allow you to collaborate with the submitter on possible amendments and to review the
- rationale and background information of the proposal. You can access the workshop version of this
- proposal here ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4220 ), which the submitter is still
- able to edit.