Usage Guidelines
Principles and Values
The values guiding our participation:
Out of respect for the First Peoples of Turtle Island and what is now known as Canada, we would like to remind members of the Seven Anishinaabe Teachings that are used to guide relationships with each other as well as Nation-to-Nation relations: Zaagidwin (Love) Debwewin (Truth) Mnaadendmowin (Respect) Nbwaakaawin (Wisdom) Dbaadendiziwin (Humility) Gwekwaadziwin (Honesty) Aakedhewin (Bravery). We ask that you consider these in your interactions with others on this forum so we can a safe space where all feel they belong.
We have a growing volunteer tech team who have researched options to support participatory democracy, and want your help to test decidim (this website), which was designed to empower robust, transparent, distributed collaboration.