2020- 2022 Policy Process | Green Party of Canada
Where GPC membership collaborates to develop our policies
G21-D012 Referencing the Term “Ecocidal”
Submitter Name: Jency Mercier
This proposal was discussed in the workshop during Phase 2 of the VGM. However, there was not enough time for this proposal to be voted on in plenary by the members during Phase 2. Therefore, this proposal will not be included in the ratification vote.
In order to reflect the values of the 21st century, as new words are drivers of action in the broadest sense of the phrase, and - in order to reform its ability to act, which is currently lacking teeth, council must introduce a new word into the vocabulary of the Green Party of Canada so that the word ecocidal would be used to describe any action that would be prohibited due to the harm it causes to the environment.
A rejuvenation is required, along with the adoption of new vocabulary that will encourage other political parties to commit. We would like this newly coined term to be adopted by members of all political leanings within the party. These objectives would constitute a new directive to Federal Council asking to replace and/or repeal the constitution of the party, which any newly elected official would be committed to.
The advantage of being the ones to introduce and incorporate a new word which classifies and encompasses environmental crimes of all kinds, is that it is up to us to discuss and promote the concept, as the Europeans do. It will allow members of the federal Green Party to introduce new concepts to the general population, thus allowing the party to stand out vis-à-vis other political parties.
Supporting Comments from Submitter:
The word “ecocidal” is an adjective. Definition: Participation on the part of either a group, government, company or individual in the commission of an environmental crime.
[Internet The Agora, an encyclopedia. www.socialiter.fr August 19, 2020 "Can we punish perpetrators of ecocide?"]
An article that discusses extractive industries and how the government and big business profit from the natural resources of other countries or peoples, while disposessing them of their lands and polluting the ecosystems.
[ONG Global alliance: For the rights of nature end, Ecocide on earth, nature rights and attack France.]
Article that discusses the high stakes steps that have been taken to protect the earth and natural environment from the negative impacts of human activities and their environmental footprint. Earth Law, proposed amendments to the statutes of the International Criminal Court on the crime of ecocide.
[Author Marie-Monique Robin forward Louise Vandelac “Roundup on trial” Monsanto, the scandal continues. Ed: écosociété 2017 p.254.]
An example of where ecocide and pesticides poison all life whether on land, sea or air.
Even partially destroying ecosystems, an attack which is characterized as total destruction by some experts, results in a silent genocide. The result of an "Ecocidal" act will affect all so-called natural or primary ecosystems by way of an attack on life on land, sea or air. The large-scale use of pesticides is an example of such a result. I am a beekeeper and the bees have been greatly affected for years. This attack on life is Ecocide as well.
In addition, the global greens are in favour and are pushing for the word Ecocidal to be recognized by various political parties and bodies as well.
Green Value(s):
Ecological wisdom, Sustainability, Participatory democracy, Social justice, Respect for diversity, Non-violence.
Relation to Existing Policy:
Existing policy should be replaced, and some provisions should be merged. Agriculture G14-P57, among others, should be reviewed in full while introducing new concepts - as mentioned.
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