Collaborative Proposal Creation
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3-year term on the Federal Council
- Proposal text
- Replace "two (2) years" in regulation with "three (3) years" in order to increase the term of office of Federal Council members, with the exception of the party leader. Bylaw would then read as follows: " All members of the Federal Council are elected for a term of three (3) years or until the election of their successor, with the exception of the party leader whose term is defined in bylaw In addition, for the sake of consistency, by-laws and below would no longer apply: In odd-numbered years, the representatives of Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, the Territories, the First Nations, the President and the Francophone Vice-President will be elected. In even-numbered years, the representatives of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the English-speaking Vice-President, the Inuit representative, the Métis representative and the Fund representative will be elected. -- NOTE: Recommendation to have it staggered but let Federal Council determine what would make the most sense based on when each current Council member was elected.
- Type of Proposal
- A constitutional amendment to change the constitution or bylaws
- Objective / Benefit
- To ensure greater stability of the party's governing body and preserve institutional memory.
- If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- N/A
- List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- N/A
- Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the group or groups?
- N/A
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Unsure or Not applicable (e.g. directives and constitutional changes)
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
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