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Seniors Federal Benfits Support Program
Proposal text
The Green Party of Canada supports comprehensive financial and medical support for low-income seniors including
- Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and Old Age Security (OAS) benefits that meet or exceed the minimum threshold of Canada’s official poverty line;
- Full Canada Pension Plan benefits at age 65 for all eligible seniors; and
- Collaborating with the provinces to provide enhanced Drug and Medical coverage for 100% of pharmacy co-payment fees and up to 80% coverage for other related medical expenses incurred by low-income seniors.
Type of Proposal
Public policy that the party would represent
Objective / Benefit
The Green Party of Canada supports increasing the Income Benefits of all seniors-related social and health programs; and Supports allowing Seniors to receive their full CPP entitlement at age 65 and increasing CPP, OAS and GIS benefits to meet the poverty line threshold in Canada; and Supports that the Canadian Seniors Drug and Medical Plan will cover all costs for seniors, including the co-pay fees charged by the pharmacy, and cover other related medical costs up to 80%.
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Amendements (2)
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