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Replace the Monarchy
Proposal text
The Green Party of Canada will promote convening a Citizen's Assembly to propose, in partnership with Indigenous groups and other affected parties, a new system to replace the British monarch as Canada's head of state.
Type of Proposal
Public policy that the party would represent
Objective / Benefit
Canada's hereditary monarchy is an undemocratic relic of the medieval period and of British colonization. Canada is an independent country and deserves to have a head(s) of state who lives here, is a Canadian citizen, and has democratic legitimacy. In practice, our current head of state doesn’t even do the job. It is also highly problematic that the British monarch, who automatically becomes our head of state, is required to adhere to and serve as head of a specific religion. This proposal is designed to encompass various possibilities for replacement, details would be worked out by the Assembly.
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I hope they will come participate in the discussion here !
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Posted on the Continuous Motion Development Vote tab for member review prior to the all-member vote.
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Amendments (1)
Created at
12/06/2024 -
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Conversation with Lorraine Rekmans
The 1764 Treaty of Niagara is generally thought of as the foundation of the modern, rights-based, Treaty relationship that allowed Canada to develop. It was at Niagara that the nation-to-nation relationship inferred by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made explicit. Indigenous Nations have a relationship with the Crown. Even in consultation with Indigenous Nations, you cannot replace the Crown. Indigenous Nations did not sign treaties with Canada. It is simplistic to think this relationship can be redefined by just replacing the Crown with a Canadian representative. There are three parties in this relationship, including the Indigenous Peoples and the Crown, and Canada is a beneficiary of that relationship. Canada is required to uphold the honour of the Crown. By removing the Crown, you are attempting to domesticate Indigenous Peoples and bring them under colonial law. I reject this proposal. It is an immature response to a dislike for the monarchy. It has no value for Indigenous Nations. It is an attempt to erode and extinguish the sovereignty and rights of the original Nations. It will be a disgrace if this passes. The consultations with Indigenous GROUPS, does not cut it. We are sovereign peoples, not groups. We are Nations. In trying to be anti-monarchist, you are in effect entrenching colonial ideology.
You can oppose the proposal but please don't tell me what I'm doing, and that I am immature etc.
I am not doing anything. I am not proposing "JUST" doing anything. I have made a proposal, that if adopted would have the GPC say that getting rid of the monarchy is something we'd like to look into. In the remote scenario where this Citizens' Assembly actually got formed, they would spend time studying all the potential effects of replacing the British monarch with something else, including the implications related to the role of the Crown in treaty relations. I am not a legal scholar but I am not prepared to accept that it is literally impossible to remove the King as Canada's head of state while also respecting Indigenous Peoples' rights - but I'd like to assign some people to check lol
Then once they have looked into it, if they come up with something, they would then "propose" a solution, which would have to be dealt with via constitutional amendment - which would involve at least 2 referendums in BC and Alberta. There's still years of scrutiny left even IF this proposal passes, and then the GPC forms government, and decides it's a priority. I didn't say that much in the proposal because I was keeping to word limits.
I don't remember why I originally said "Indigenous groups" but that is the term used in reference to the Indigenous Reps in GPC constitution 9.10.1. I am not sure if I am still allowed to take amendments but I am open to suggestions for changing wording if there's still time for that
My point about entrenching colonial ideology is that Canada has assumed sovereignty. Canada's claims to sovereignty are founded on the Doctrine of Discovery. This is colonial thinking - that Canada's sovereignty is unencumbered (and that Canada needs to be free of the monarch) . The Royal Proclamation acknowledges the land title and sovereignty of the original Indigenous Nations. The relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the Crown, are what allowed Canada to exist. By removing and replacing the original relationships between Indigenous Peoples and the Crown - we would erase foundational aspects of what formed Canada. We cannot give any credence to the Doctrine of Discovery and we must rebuild the foundational relationships between Indigenous Peoples and the Crown, and the Dominion of Canada. This has to happen in a particular order. By immature, I meant it is too early. First Canada must recognize the distinct Nationhood of the Indigenous Nations, and also repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery. Until this happens, as an Indigenous person, I would never entertain removal from a constitutional monarchy.
The Crown also represents the legal embodiment of executive, legislative, and judicial governance. While the Crown's legal personality is usually as a corporation sole, it can also be described as a corporation aggregate headed by the monarch. I would suggest dropping this motion until such time as Canada repudiates the Doctrine of Discovery, and recognizes the original Nations in a rewritten Constitution.
I agree with Lorraine on this not because I am a monarchist and live in Canada's Loyalist Province. But the nail has been hit on the head and agree we should drop this motion from any consideration until the time Canada repudiates the Doctrine of Discovery and we recognize the original Nations across this land in a rewritten Constitution
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