- Proposal text
- Be it resolved that the Green Party of Canada long conflicted between the horror of nuclear weapons
- and the need to support reliable and clean nuclear power,
-• will adopt a view of nuclear power that is consistent with the best scientific knowledge and- practices, and
-• will advocate for the continued exploration of nuclear power technologies, and alternative fuels-such as thorium.- Type of Proposal
- Public policy that the party would represent
- Objective / Benefit
- The GPC has a longstanding public position of preferring renewable power generation instead of
- nuclear power generation. Yet not one policy currently addresses the beneficial effects of nuclear
- power. All policy references to nuclear are to the prevention and control of nuclear weapons.
- The objective of this policy is to establish a new policy that addresses the benefits of the use of
- nuclear power generation in a changing environment that urgently needs reliable power generation.
- * Whereas the policies of the Green Party of Canada are to be based on scientific principles, and
- * Whereas we now know how to build nuclear power plants that are far safer than our current
- operational designs, and
- * Whereas nuclear power generation can be demonstrated,
- * to be the least polluting of all electricity generation technologies, in terms of CO2 production
- per MW of capacity,
- * to have the smallest footprint in terms of station size, acres per MW of installed capacity,
- * to have the lowest volume of waste production in terms of tons per MW,
- * to require the least input of scarce resources in terms of tons per MW,
- * to have the best safety record of all generation facilities in terms of loss of human life per MW
- of installed capacity, and
- * Whereas we do know what to do with spent nuclear fuel to ensure safety.
- This policy will complement and expand the policies of the Green Party of Canada, making them more
- appropriate in an intellectually honest way.
- If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- This is new policy. All existing policy addresses various aspects of the undesirability of nuclear
- weapons. It does not in any way reduce the relevance of those policies.
- List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- 1. Jack Devanney, The Two Lies that killed nuclear:
- https://jackdevanney.substack.com/p/the-two-lies-that-killed-nuclear
- 2. Jack Devanney, Why Nuclear Power Has Been a Flop:
- https://gordianknotbook.com
- 3. Cleo Abram, The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzQ3gFRj0Bc
- 4. Burning Nuclear waste:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u44skO-nMo
- 5. IEA on Nuclear Power:
- https://www.iea.org/energy-system/electricity/nuclear-power
- 6. Our World in Data, Death Toll from Chernobyl and Fukushima:
- https://ourworldindata.org/what-was-the-death-toll-from-chernobyl-and-fukushima
- 7. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, LNT:
- https://nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/resources/health/linear-non-threshold-model/index.cfm
- 8. Original text of this proposal:
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j5bvh4dagagllrhus59h9/GPC-Nuclear.docx?rlkey=8ozj24vcajsvofrtgtpy9pt85&st=uvmsga8g&dl=0
- Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- group or groups?
- There are many in the party and outside, who consider Nuclear Power to be so dangerous as to be
- categorically denied as a solution to our future power needs. This policy reverses that perception
- of Nuclear Power. It is likely to alienate such people in their support of the party.
- There is also likely to be an adverse reaction from the Global Greens, which would need to be
- carefully managed, though it is to be hoped that this motion will start a greens-wide reassessment
- of their positions on nuclear power.
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
- Proposal text
- Be it resolved that the Green Party of Canada long conflicted between the horror of nuclear weapons
- and the need to support reliable and clean nuclear power,
- +• will adopt a view of nuclear power that is consistent with the best scientific knowledge and
- practices, and
- +• will advocate for the continued development of nuclear power technologies, extraction
- +technologies, nuclear waste disposal, and alternative nuclear fuels.
- Type of Proposal
- Public policy that the party would represent
- Objective / Benefit
- The GPC has a longstanding public position of preferring renewable power generation instead of
- nuclear power generation. Yet not one policy currently addresses the beneficial effects of nuclear
- power. All policy references to nuclear are to the prevention and control of nuclear weapons.
- The objective of this policy is to establish a new policy that addresses the benefits of the use of
- nuclear power generation in a changing environment that urgently needs reliable power generation.
- * Whereas the policies of the Green Party of Canada are to be based on scientific principles, and
- * Whereas we now know how to build nuclear power plants that are far safer than our current
- operational designs, and
- * Whereas nuclear power generation can be demonstrated,
- * to be the least polluting of all electricity generation technologies, in terms of CO2 production
- per MW of capacity,
- * to have the smallest footprint in terms of station size, acres per MW of installed capacity,
- * to have the lowest volume of waste production in terms of tons per MW,
- * to require the least input of scarce resources in terms of tons per MW,
- * to have the best safety record of all generation facilities in terms of loss of human life per MW
- of installed capacity, and
- * Whereas we do know what to do with spent nuclear fuel to ensure safety.
- This policy will complement and expand the policies of the Green Party of Canada, making them more
- appropriate in an intellectually honest way.
- If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- This is new policy. All existing policy addresses various aspects of the undesirability of nuclear
- weapons. It does not in any way reduce the relevance of those policies.
- List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- 1. Jack Devanney, The Two Lies that killed nuclear:
- https://jackdevanney.substack.com/p/the-two-lies-that-killed-nuclear
- 2. Jack Devanney, Why Nuclear Power Has Been a Flop:
- https://gordianknotbook.com
- 3. Cleo Abram, The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzQ3gFRj0Bc
- 4. Burning Nuclear waste:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u44skO-nMo
- 5. IEA on Nuclear Power:
- https://www.iea.org/energy-system/electricity/nuclear-power
- 6. Our World in Data, Death Toll from Chernobyl and Fukushima:
- https://ourworldindata.org/what-was-the-death-toll-from-chernobyl-and-fukushima
- 7. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, LNT:
- https://nuclearsafety.gc.ca/eng/resources/health/linear-non-threshold-model/index.cfm
- 8. Original text of this proposal:
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j5bvh4dagagllrhus59h9/GPC-Nuclear.docx?rlkey=8ozj24vcajsvofrtgtpy9pt85&st=uvmsga8g&dl=0
- Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- group or groups?
- There are many in the party and outside, who consider Nuclear Power to be so dangerous as to be
- categorically denied as a solution to our future power needs. This policy reverses that perception
- of Nuclear Power. It is likely to alienate such people in their support of the party.
- There is also likely to be an adverse reaction from the Global Greens, which would need to be
- carefully managed, though it is to be hoped that this motion will start a greens-wide reassessment
- of their positions on nuclear power.
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
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