Collaborative Proposal Creation
Create, improve and sponsor proposals in a respectful, fully bilingual environment. Grow proposals in the "Hothouse", for promotion to the "Workshop", to become official GPC policy.
Process phases
114/07/2023 - 15/08/2023
Proposal Development and Sponsorship
Members can work together to develop proposals in the online "Hothouse" and to collect sponsorships for their proposals from fellow members of the Green Party of Canada.
Proposals that meet the minimum sponsorship requirements are moved into the online “Workshop” for continued discussion, debate, and amendments. This proposal improvement phase continues until the Notice of the Annual General Meeting.
What you get from this phase: A proposal with a sufficient number of sponsors
216/08/2023 - 23/02/2024
Proposal Categorization and Pre-AGM Workshopping
The Notice of Meeting is emailed to members 60 days prior to the meeting date and includes links to Official Proposals. Proposals are then divided into two streams - Official Proposal Categorization and Pre-Annual General Meeting Workshop.
Stream #1- Official Proposal Categorization- Submitters work with Proposal Shepherds to finalize the text of the Official Proposal. Once ready, the Official Proposal is posted on the Annual General Meeting webpage for member review and remains unchanged.
To help determine the order that Official Proposals are presented at the Annual General Meeting, a 3 colour-coded polling system called the Bonser Method will be completed by members before the meeting.
Stream #2- Pre-Annual General Meeting Workshop - The online Workshop shifts to improving the Official Proposals, with members commenting on Workshop proposals. The Submitter can incorporate friendly amendments by editing the Workshop version of the proposal and presenting them at the General Meeting. The online Workshop can also be used for continued discussion and debate.
What you get from this phase: Stream 1- An Official Proposal that has been finalized with the Proposal Shepherds and posted for member review 60 days before the General Meeting. Stream 2- Friendly amendments that can be presented at the General Meeting.
324/02/2024 - 25/02/2024
Annual General Meeting
During the Annual General Meeting, Official Proposals are presented for consideration by members. Submitters can present any friendly amendments for consideration. Members will discuss, debate, and potentially amend the Official Proposal before the deciding vote to adopt is held.
What you get from this phase: Proposals that have been adopted by Party membership
426/02/2024 - ?
Proposal Ratification and Implementation
After the Annual General Meeting, an all-member ratification vote is required for any constitutional or bylaws amendments adopted at the meeting. Members may choose to pass a motion at the Annual General Meeting that all proposals adopted at the meeting will be included in the ratification vote.
What you get from this phase: Proposals that passed the all-member ratification vote.