2023 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Vincent Carbonneau
My name is Vincent J. Carbonneau, and I reside in Montreal, Quebec. I am a high school teacher, lawyer, and have been a dedicated activist for our party for nearly 10 years.
My involvement in the Green movement began during the Quebec student movement of 2012, protesting against the increase in tuition fees. Since then, I firmly believe in the importance and power of grassroots movements, and I recognize the necessity for our political party to stand in solidarity with climate and social justice struggles.
I hold a bachelor's degree in history, a bachelor's degree in law from the University of Montreal, and a master's degree in teaching from McGill University.
For over a year, I have also been serving as the leader of the Electoral District Association of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount, where the Green Party of Canada achieved its best historical result in Quebec during the 2023 by-election.
Over the years, I have held various roles in politics, including organizer and political attaché, communications director, and member of a national executive. I have also run as a Green Party candidate on four occasions, gaining valuable skills in mobilization, organization, governance, and communication.
As Vice-President French, I am ready to take on new challenges and contribute fully to the advancement of our party. My commitment to the diverse Francophone communities of Canada is deep and sincere, and I firmly believe in preserving and celebrating our linguistic and cultural diversity.
With determination, I aspire to promote and increased the presence of French in our party and defend the interests of the Francophonie in all our political endeavours.
I am confident that my skills and experience make me well suited for this role, and I am eager to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future for all Canadians.
Experience and Skills
- Bachelor's degree in Law from the University of Montreal
- Bachelor's degree in History from the University of Montreal
- Master's degree in Teaching and Learning from McGill University
- Jurist
- Communications Director during a provincial election (Quebec - 2018)
- Political Organizer and Political Attaché for a provincial political party (Quebec - 2017)
- Campaign Manager for electoral campaigns (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce--Westmount - 2019, 2023)
- Member of Boards of Directors
- Legal research
- Legal opinion drafting
- Legal information provision
- Administrative and procedural work
- Translation (French/English)
- Team management and coordination
- Event planning
- Communication (press releases, social media, etc.)
- Writing texts, policies, memoranda, etc.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
Ian Soutar
Andrew Carkner
Luc Joli-Coeur
Gale Pettus
Robin Dick
Michelle Corcos
Éric Trottier
Simon Gnocchini-Messier
Juan Vazquez
Amita Kuttner
Jency Mercier
Érica Poirier
Chad Walcott
David MacFarquhar
Jean-Charles Pelland
Robert Green
Ian Thomas Shaw
Didier Pilon
Martin Mueller-Judson
Alain Lépine
Stuart Hunter
Mario Guay
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