2023 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Anoop Hans
"Hello, I am calling for you to support me in my candidacy as the BC Youth Green Party representative. My focus will be on building a happier, healthier, and more positive community. I believe that our physical, mental, and environmental health should be our top priorities. I believe the better we can take care of ourselves the better we can take care of the planet. This means we should engage in more ethical practices in how we make a living, and redefine what it means to be successful in North America.
At the time I am writing this, my home is in a state of emergency. I am away from home but I'm headed back to see my family. I've heard that the community came together and people are helping eachother out. I want nothing more than to go back to my town and be of service to my peers. I love Canada with all my heart and want to see it succeed as a leader for positive change.
There will be a shift to green in this world. A shift to a more ethical ways to live, eat food, recycle and reuse, take care of ourselves and our communities. As we go on our journey of truth and reconciliation, the main message I want to spread is that we should redefine what success is for our future generation and strive to be better each day.
Thanks for reading."
- Candidate message, August 26
Candidate Introduction
Anoop is currently attending Okanagan College for Health Analytics, does agricultural research in the summer, and volunteers for the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Salvation Army when needed, and is hoping to start volunteering at Kelowna General Hospital. Anoop hopes to help improve mental health and support people in the community as well as encourage a composting system (green bins) and help the city become more sustainable.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.anoophans.com
Sahib Toor
Nick Loughton
Helena Murray-Hill
Guhnveer Bahia
Simren Dhillon
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