2023 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Muskaan Sharma
"The Green Party of Canada should choose me as an Ontario representative due to my unwavering dedication to environmental advocacy, community engagement, and innovative problem-solving. With a proven track record as an active delegate in Peel Regional Council meetings, I've effectively championed environmental issues, demonstrating my commitment to a sustainable future.
My experience in establishing an organization focused on climate change education showcases my ability to initiate impactful change. Though the organization faced challenges, I've emerged even more determined to push for crucial environmental causes, aligning perfectly with the Green Party's values.
I envision a future where renewable energy adoption is accelerated, green spaces are protected, and sustainability is integrated into policies. My commitment to fostering community bonds aligns with the Green Party's inclusive vision. I'm determined to collaborate with policymakers, businesses, and community leaders to develop innovative affordable housing solutions, addressing a critical concern in Ontario.
My role as a Green Party representative would leverage my advocacy skills and amplify my efforts. With a strong voice in regional councils and a passion for environmental preservation, I can effectively contribute to policies that drive sustainable change. By electing me, the Green Party would gain a dedicated advocate capable of turning words into action, advancing their platform, and inspiring meaningful transformation in Ontario."
- Candidate message, August 26
Candidate Introduction
Hello, my name is Muskaan Sharma and I am excited to present my candidacy as a strong advocate for positive change and a sustainable future for our community. I have been an active delegate in various Peel Regional Council meetings, tirelessly raising awareness and fighting for environmental issues in Ontario. My passion for the environment led me to establish an organization focused on spreading awareness about climate change. Through impactful workshops and events, we educated the public on the urgency of sustainable practices. Although the organization faced challenges and closed due to limited support, it has only strengthened my resolve to keep raising my voice for crucial environmental causes.
I am committed to advocating for environmental preservation, affordable housing solutions, and fostering stronger community bonds. I envision a future where renewable energy is embraced, green spaces are protected, and sustainability is at the core of our society. Moreover, I recognize the significance of affordable housing in building a stable community. I aim to collaborate with policymakers, businesses, and community leaders to develop innovative solutions that address housing affordability challenges.
Additionally, I firmly believe in the power of interconnected communities. By fostering partnerships and encouraging dialogue, we can create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. With my experience as a delegate and environmental advocate, I am eager to contribute my skills and energy to elevate our collective future. I intend to continue raising awareness on pressing environmental issues and standing up for what truly matters.
In conclusion, I humbly present myself as a passionate and committed candidate, dedicated to promoting positive change and championing the causes that shape a sustainable and thriving community. Thank you for considering my candidacy. I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve and inspire meaningful transformation in our community and beyond.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: https://ourtomorrow.wixsite.com/muskaansharma
Gabriel Blanc
Jaden Braves
Sean Dillon
Rita Morey
Zachary Typhair
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