2023 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Ballot Instructions
Federal Council is elected using a preferential ballot. For each position, you cast your vote by ranking numerically each name on the ballot, including none of the above. Use sequential numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, up to the number of choices for each position). Write a 1 to indicate your first choice (the name of the candidate you most want to win), 2 for your second choice, and so on. “None of the above” is treated like any other name on the ballot, so you can give it any number you like. No two names within the same position can be ranked the same number. You do not have to rank all options, but you must rank them sequentially.
You can rank all candidates, or some candidates, or even just one candidate for any given position. If you only rank one candidate (i.e. write 1 for your favorite and that’s all) and that candidate is eliminated, then your ballot will no longer influence the outcome of that particular run-off.
For the Provincial Representative positions, vote only for the province in which you reside. Your province or territory may not be having an election this year.
Contact Information
All communication concerning clarification of these Rules and the election process must be submitted by email via [email protected]. Phone calls will not be accepted under any circumstances. Staff and Subcommittee members must direct callers to email [email protected].
All complaints about rules infractions must be submitted in writing to the Subcommittee using the GPC Federal Council Election Complaint Form (Appendix B). Written complaints in any other form and verbal complaints will not be accepted.
For all questions and for assistance with your ballot, please email [email protected] or 1-866-868-3447.