2023 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Changes at "Federal Council President Town Hall"
Description (English)
- As part of our commitment to transparency, engagement, and participatory democracy, you're invited
- to a Green Party town hall event to meet and engage with the candidates running for GPC President!
- This is your opportunity to directly connect with the candidates and hear their vision and goals for
-the future of the party.
- As part of our commitment to transparency, engagement, and participatory democracy, you're invited
- to a Green Party town hall event to meet and engage with the candidates running for GPC President!
- This is your opportunity to directly connect with the candidates and hear their vision and goals for
- +the future of the party.
- +
- +To ensure we’re able to get through as many questions as possible, we will be taking questions in
- +advance from members. To ask a question to one, or both, candidates please email
- +[email protected] with the question, and who you want to direct it to. Also feel free to share
- +your questions in the comments here.
- +
- +During the town hall, you’ll be able to hear from both candidates, ask them questions, and share
- +what priorities matter most to you for the future of the party.
- +
- +As President, they will be responsible for chairing Federal Council meetings, overseeing execution
- +of party decisions, representing the Council externally, contributing to governance decisions, and
- +more including:
- +
- +* Act as the Chair of Federal Council and ensure that Federal Council and Executive Council meetings
- +are organized and facilitated in accordance with the Party's Rules of Procedure.
- +* Ensure that decisions of the Party, Federal Council, Executive Council and committees of Federal
- +Council are duly carried out.
- +* Represent the Federal Council with staff, volunteers and members as may be required to ensure
- +efficient and professional execution of decisions.
- +* Contribute as an equal member of Federal Council and Executive Council in making responsible
- +decisions regarding the governance of the Party.
- +You can read the full job description for Federal Council President here.
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/processes/federal-council-elections-2023/f/448/ )
- +
- +Your participation in events like this is what strengthens our democracy and enables us to advance
- +the Green mission. We encourage you to come prepared with your insights, questions, and ready to
- +engage in a thoughtful discussion about the priorities for the next GPC President.
- +
- +We hope you can join! Thank you for your continued support, dedication, and engagement with the
- +Green Party of Canada. Together we can continue to drive positive change and build a brighter future
- +for all Canadians.
- +
Description (English)
- As part of our commitment to transparency, engagement, and participatory democracy, you're invited
- to a Green Party town hall event to meet and engage with the candidates running for GPC President!
- This is your opportunity to directly connect with the candidates and hear their vision and goals for
-the future of the party.
- As part of our commitment to transparency, engagement, and participatory democracy, you're invited
- to a Green Party town hall event to meet and engage with the candidates running for GPC President!
- This is your opportunity to directly connect with the candidates and hear their vision and goals for
- +the future of the party.
- +
- +To ensure we’re able to get through as many questions as possible, we will be taking questions in
- +advance from members. To ask a question to one, or both, candidates please email
- +[email protected] with the question, and who you want to direct it to. Also feel free to share
- +your questions in the comments here.
- +
- +During the town hall, you’ll be able to hear from both candidates, ask them questions, and share
- +what priorities matter most to you for the future of the party.
- +
- +As President, they will be responsible for chairing Federal Council meetings, overseeing execution
- +of party decisions, representing the Council externally, contributing to governance decisions, and
- +more including:
- +
- +* Act as the Chair of Federal Council and ensure that Federal Council and Executive Council meetings
- +are organized and facilitated in accordance with the Party's Rules of Procedure.
- +* Ensure that decisions of the Party, Federal Council, Executive Council and committees of Federal
- +Council are duly carried out.
- +* Represent the Federal Council with staff, volunteers and members as may be required to ensure
- +efficient and professional execution of decisions.
- +* Contribute as an equal member of Federal Council and Executive Council in making responsible
- +decisions regarding the governance of the Party.
- +You can read the full job description for Federal Council President here.
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/processes/federal-council-elections-2023/f/448/ )
- +
- +Your participation in events like this is what strengthens our democracy and enables us to advance
- +the Green mission. We encourage you to come prepared with your insights, questions, and ready to
- +engage in a thoughtful discussion about the priorities for the next GPC President.
- +
- +We hope you can join! Thank you for your continued support, dedication, and engagement with the
- +Green Party of Canada. Together we can continue to drive positive change and build a brighter future
- +for all Canadians.
- +