2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
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Federal Council and Young Greens Council Application Form
Answer the form
Sign in with your account or sign up to answer the form.
What position are you applying for?
(Single option)- Federal Council - Anglophone Vice-Chair
- Federal Council - Fund Representative
- Federal Council - First Nations Representative (1 year)
- Federal Council - Inuit Representative
- Federal Council - Métis Representative
- Federal Council - British Columbia Representative
- Federal Council - Newfoundland & Labrador (1 year)
- Federal Council - Nova Scotia Representative
- Federal Council - Prince Edward Island Representative
- Federal Council - Saskatchewan Representative
- Young Greens Council - Co-Chair (see section 4.6-
- Young Greens Council - British Columbia Representative (1 year)
- Young Greens Council - Prairies Representative
- Young Greens Council - Ontario Representative
- Young Greens Council - Quebec Representative (1 year)
- Young Greens Council - Atlantic Representative (1 year)
- Young Greens Council - Northern Representative
- Young Greens Council - Finance Coordinator (one year)
- Young Greens Council - Engagement Coordinator
- Young Greens Council - Advocacy Coordinator
Personal Information
(Title and description) -
First Name
(Short answer) -
Last Name
(Short answer) -
(Multiple option)- He/him
- She/her
- They/them
- Other
Street Address
(Short answer) -
(Short answer) -
(Short answer) -
Postal Code
(Short answer) -
Is the above your primary address and do you intend to maintain your primary residence within the region you represent for the duration of your term?
(Single option)- Yes
- No
If the answer to the above is no, please provide additional context:
(Long answer) -
(Short answer) -
(Short answer) -
Social Media Handles
(Short answer) -
(Title and description) -
Are you a Green Party of Canada member in good standing?
(Single option)- Yes
- No
Vetting will be completed by a secure third party, and will require you to submit a) date of birth, b) social media handles, c) first name / last name, and d) email address. Do you consent to providing this information?
(Single option)- Yes
- No
Do any of the following apply to you?
(Matrix (Single option))- Do you currently have any outstanding debts to the GPC? (Yes / No)
- Are you an employee of the Party, of an MP, or of the Party Leader (including contractors)? (Yes / No)
- Are you applying for employment with the Party, an MP or the Party Leader? (Yes / No)
- Are you a former employee of the Party, of an MP or of the Party Leader whose employment with the Party, an MP or the Party Leader ended less than two years before the opening of Federal Council nominations? (Yes / No)
- Are you a spouse, common-law partner, parent, parent-in-law, sibling, sibling-in-law, biological or adoptive child of: employees of the Party, an MP of the Party, the Party Leader, or Members of Federal Council? (Yes / No)
- Do you have access to email and a reliable internet connection? (Yes / No)
- Have you undertaken any recent actions that would reasonably be considered to be in breach of the Members’ Code of Conduct, or in violation of the six core principles of the Global Greens? (Yes / No)
- Have you published any statements that would reasonably be considered to be in breach of the Members’ Code of Conduct, or in violation of the six core principles of the Global Greens? [optional field to provide text answer] (Yes / No)
If you feel the need to elaborate on any answers above, please do so here.
(Long answer) -
Candidate Profile
(Title and description) -
Public Email
(Short answer) -
Public Website
(Short answer) -
Image - Portrait
(Files) -
Image - Wide landscape
(Files) -
Candidate Introduction Statement
(Long answer) -
Experience and Skills
(Long answer) -
(Long answer) -
Access needs
(Long answer) -
(Title and description) -
Please give your consent to the following:
(Matrix (Single option))- I give the GPC permission to disclose the information included in my Contestant profile and certify that the information provided above is correct. (Yes / No)
- I have read and agree to abide by the Federal Council Election Rules or Young Greens Council Election Rules, as appropriate. (Yes / No)