- Submitter Name
- --------------
- Érica Poirier
- Proposal
- --------
- Amend Bylaw 8.3 from “Provincial Divisions remaining be disbanded” to read:
- “Provincial Divisions remaining will be replaced by associations corresponding to the regions
- outlined in Bylaw 3.”
- These associations will be based on the AQPVC model and will include a board of directors as well as
- regional spokespersons that bring together adjacent EDAs. Please see
- https://quebec-partivertducanada.com/aile-qubcoise.
- Objective
- ---------
- Put in place regional groups or associations of EDAs or candidates, similar to the one that exists
- in Quebec (AQPVC - Quebec wing), based on the division of Canada into 6 regions, i.e. one
- association per region.
- Benefit
- -------
- Enables different provincial ridings to come together and support each other, in order to have a
- greater impact on provincial and local issues. Increased sense of belonging in the party by allowing
- for access to decentralized resources.
- Supporting Comments from Submitter
- ----------------------------------
- Working closely on a project with people who think differently allows us to explore all
- possibilities, and to ensure a complete understanding of the project.
- https://www.genie-inc.com/5-raisons-de-travailler-prochain-projet-equipe/
- In addition to advancing the project through the experiences of each person, teamwork is ideal for
- the development of the skills of less experienced collaborators.
- https://www.agilytae.com/4-avantages-travail-equipe/
- Finally, because decisions are made in accordance with the different points of view brought to the
- table, they tend to be more thorough and thoughtful than when the decision-making process is the
- responsibility of only one person.
- https://fr.aleteia.org/2018/08/30/les-avantages-insoupconnes-du-travail-dequipe/
- Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and
- creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company
- goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher
- level of job satisfaction among employees.
- https://www.sandler.com/blog/6-benefits-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace/
- A group can sometimes deal with complicated, difficult, deep, and involved problems more effectively
- than individuals can. That's because the wider, more diverse range of skill sets and experience can
- tackle larger and more difficult problems.
- https://toughnickel.com/business/15-Advantages-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace
- Green Value(s)
- --------------
- Participatory Democracy, Social Justice, Respect for Diversity, Non-violence
- Relation to existing policy
- ---------------------------
-This proposal would rescind and replace Bylaw 8.3.
- Auteur
- ------
- Érica Poirier
- Proposition
- -----------
- Adapter dans la constitution du parti le point suivant :
- 8.3 Les divisions provinciales restantes doivent être dissoutes.
- par
- 8.3 Les divisions provinciales restantes seront remplacées par des associations correspondantes aux
- régions décrites au Règlement 3.
- Ces associations seront basées sur le modèle de l’AQPVC comprenant un CA ainsi que des
- portes-paroles régionaux regroupant des ACEs limitrophes. Voir
- https://quebec-partivertducanada.com/aile-qubcoise
- Objectif
- --------
- Mettre en place des regroupements ou associations régionales des ACE ou candidat(e)s comme celle
- existante au Québec (AQPVC), basé sur le découpage des 6 régions au Canada, soit une association par
- région.
- Avantage
- --------
- Permettre aux différentes circonscriptions provinciales de se regrouper et de s’épauler afin
- d’obtenir un impact plus important face aux enjeux provinciaux et locaux. Augmenter le sentiment
- d’appartenance au parti en ayant accès à des ressources décentralisées.
- Commentaires d’appui de l’auteur.e
- ----------------------------------
- Travailler profondément un projet avec des personnes pensant différemment permet d’étudier toutes
- les possibilités, et d’assurer une compréhension complète du projet.
- https://www.genie-inc.com/5-raisons-de-travailler-prochain-projet-equipe/
- Au-delà de l’avancement du projet grâce aux expériences de chacun, le travail en équipe est idéal
- pour le développement des compétences des collaborateurs les moins expérimentés.
- https://www.agilytae.com/4-avantages-travail-equipe/
- Enfin, les décisions étant prises à la lumière des différents points de vue apportés, elles tendent
- à être plus approfondies et plus réfléchies que lorsque le processus décisionnel n’appartient qu’à
- une seule personne.
- https://fr.aleteia.org/2018/08/30/les-avantages-insoupconnes-du-travail-dequipe/
- Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and
- creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company
- goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher
- level of job satisfaction among employees.
- https://www.sandler.com/blog/6-benefits-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace/
- A group can sometimes deal with complicated, difficult, deep, and involved problems more effectively
- than individuals can. That's because the wider, more diverse range of skill sets and experience can
- tackle larger and more difficult problems.
- https://toughnickel.com/business/15-Advantages-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace
- Valeur(s) Vertes
- ----------------
- Démocratie participative, Justice sociale, Respect de la diversité, Non-violence.
- Lien avec les politiques existantes
- -----------------------------------
-Abroge et remplace une politique existante.
- Submitter Name
- --------------
- Érica Poirier
- +Ratification Vote Results: Adopted
- +----------------------------------
- +
- Proposal
- --------
- Amend Bylaw 8.3 from “Provincial Divisions remaining be disbanded” to read:
- “Provincial Divisions remaining will be replaced by associations corresponding to the regions
- outlined in Bylaw 3.”
- These associations will be based on the AQPVC model and will include a board of directors as well as
- regional spokespersons that bring together adjacent EDAs. Please see
- https://quebec-partivertducanada.com/aile-qubcoise.
- Objective
- ---------
- Put in place regional groups or associations of EDAs or candidates, similar to the one that exists
- in Quebec (AQPVC - Quebec wing), based on the division of Canada into 6 regions, i.e. one
- association per region.
- Benefit
- -------
- Enables different provincial ridings to come together and support each other, in order to have a
- greater impact on provincial and local issues. Increased sense of belonging in the party by allowing
- for access to decentralized resources.
- Supporting Comments from Submitter
- ----------------------------------
- Working closely on a project with people who think differently allows us to explore all
- possibilities, and to ensure a complete understanding of the project.
- https://www.genie-inc.com/5-raisons-de-travailler-prochain-projet-equipe/
- In addition to advancing the project through the experiences of each person, teamwork is ideal for
- the development of the skills of less experienced collaborators.
- https://www.agilytae.com/4-avantages-travail-equipe/
- Finally, because decisions are made in accordance with the different points of view brought to the
- table, they tend to be more thorough and thoughtful than when the decision-making process is the
- responsibility of only one person.
- https://fr.aleteia.org/2018/08/30/les-avantages-insoupconnes-du-travail-dequipe/
- Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and
- creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company
- goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher
- level of job satisfaction among employees.
- https://www.sandler.com/blog/6-benefits-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace/
- A group can sometimes deal with complicated, difficult, deep, and involved problems more effectively
- than individuals can. That's because the wider, more diverse range of skill sets and experience can
- tackle larger and more difficult problems.
- https://toughnickel.com/business/15-Advantages-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace
- Green Value(s)
- --------------
- Participatory Democracy, Social Justice, Respect for Diversity, Non-violence
- Relation to existing policy
- ---------------------------
- +This proposal would rescind and replace Bylaw 8.3.
- Auteur
- ------
- Érica Poirier
- Proposition
- -----------
- Adapter dans la constitution du parti le point suivant :
- 8.3 Les divisions provinciales restantes doivent être dissoutes.
- par
- 8.3 Les divisions provinciales restantes seront remplacées par des associations correspondantes aux
- régions décrites au Règlement 3.
- Ces associations seront basées sur le modèle de l’AQPVC comprenant un CA ainsi que des
- portes-paroles régionaux regroupant des ACEs limitrophes. Voir
- https://quebec-partivertducanada.com/aile-qubcoise
- Objectif
- --------
- Mettre en place des regroupements ou associations régionales des ACE ou candidat(e)s comme celle
- existante au Québec (AQPVC), basé sur le découpage des 6 régions au Canada, soit une association par
- région.
- Avantage
- --------
- Permettre aux différentes circonscriptions provinciales de se regrouper et de s’épauler afin
- d’obtenir un impact plus important face aux enjeux provinciaux et locaux. Augmenter le sentiment
- d’appartenance au parti en ayant accès à des ressources décentralisées.
- Commentaires d’appui de l’auteur.e
- ----------------------------------
- Travailler profondément un projet avec des personnes pensant différemment permet d’étudier toutes
- les possibilités, et d’assurer une compréhension complète du projet.
- https://www.genie-inc.com/5-raisons-de-travailler-prochain-projet-equipe/
- Au-delà de l’avancement du projet grâce aux expériences de chacun, le travail en équipe est idéal
- pour le développement des compétences des collaborateurs les moins expérimentés.
- https://www.agilytae.com/4-avantages-travail-equipe/
- Enfin, les décisions étant prises à la lumière des différents points de vue apportés, elles tendent
- à être plus approfondies et plus réfléchies que lorsque le processus décisionnel n’appartient qu’à
- une seule personne.
- https://fr.aleteia.org/2018/08/30/les-avantages-insoupconnes-du-travail-dequipe/
- Team projects encourage employees to feel proud of their contributions. Tackling obstacles and
- creating notable work together makes team members feel fulfilled. Working toward achieving company
- goals allows employees to feel connected to the company. This builds loyalty, leading to a higher
- level of job satisfaction among employees.
- https://www.sandler.com/blog/6-benefits-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace/
- A group can sometimes deal with complicated, difficult, deep, and involved problems more effectively
- than individuals can. That's because the wider, more diverse range of skill sets and experience can
- tackle larger and more difficult problems.
- https://toughnickel.com/business/15-Advantages-of-teamwork-in-the-workplace
- Valeur(s) Vertes
- ----------------
- Démocratie participative, Justice sociale, Respect de la diversité, Non-violence.
- Lien avec les politiques existantes
- -----------------------------------
- +Abroge et remplace une politique existante.