- The Green Party of Canada is at a crossroads. We seem to be losing touch with the grassroots culture
- that has been the source of our energy and strength. The Party’s crises have shaken the confidence
- of our members and our fellow Canadians, yet we fail to prioritize changes which would help prevent
- the next crisis. Our membership numbers, votes and fundraising decline accordingly.
- I have personally witnessed the current governance challenges, demonstrated by a poor Council
- self-assessment, the Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Circle losing members, unproductive meetings, and
- 70% of Councillors leaving in 2022.
- Change is required.
- We need a President with a record of thinking strategically while leading diverse groups that
- achieve ambitious objectives; an experienced leader committed to providing a unifying, inclusive,
- and professional culture in which all Councillors thrive; a leader who will model constructive
- behaviours that embody the Green Party’s values.
- My commitment to building effective environmental organizations began with a profound personal
- connection to nature, which led to an Environment & Management graduate degree. I’ve been an
- Executive Director since 2003, currently of the Alberta Environmental Network. Under my stewardship,
- it has transformed from a disparate group of environmental organizations with competing priorities
- into a vibrant community of collaborating organizations, harnessing collective strength to drive
- tangible results.
- This is what we need for Federal Council.
- Time is short. The Green Party needs to demonstrate competency in order to earn Canadians’ votes. We
- urgently need a unified Council with clear goals to prepare and position the GPC to elect Green MPs
- in the next federal election. We need to revitalize the Party, but in a fiscally responsible manner
- that empowers and motivates our volunteer base.
- I have the skills and commitment necessary to move the Green Party of Canada forward. I respectfully
- ask for your support.
- Experience & Skills
- Test
- Nominators
- Lenore Morris
- Michael MacLean
- Jean-Charles Pelland
- Stuart Hunter
- Clément Badra
- Bob MacKie
- Lorraine Rekmans
- Chad Walcott
- Dana Taylor
- Bruce Livingstone
- Tom Niemann
- Dave Charles
- Linda Brown
- Robyn Ross
- Jocelyn Gifford
- Marilyn Redivo
- Karen Lindsay
- Evelyn Tanaka
- Maria Rodriguez
- Michael Strumberger
- The Green Party of Canada is at a crossroads. We seem to be losing touch with the grassroots culture
- that has been the source of our energy and strength. The Party’s crises have shaken the confidence
- of our members and our fellow Canadians, yet we fail to prioritize changes which would help prevent
- the next crisis. Our membership numbers, votes and fundraising decline accordingly.
- I have personally witnessed the current governance challenges, demonstrated by a poor Council
- self-assessment, the Indigenous Peoples’ Advisory Circle losing members, unproductive meetings, and
- 70% of Councillors leaving in 2022.
- Change is required.
- We need a President with a record of thinking strategically while leading diverse groups that
- achieve ambitious objectives; an experienced leader committed to providing a unifying, inclusive,
- and professional culture in which all Councillors thrive; a leader who will model constructive
- behaviours that embody the Green Party’s values.
- My commitment to building effective environmental organizations began with a profound personal
- connection to nature, which led to an Environment & Management graduate degree. I’ve been an
- Executive Director since 2003, currently of the Alberta Environmental Network. Under my stewardship,
- it has transformed from a disparate group of environmental organizations with competing priorities
- into a vibrant community of collaborating organizations, harnessing collective strength to drive
- tangible results.
- This is what we need for Federal Council.
- Time is short. The Green Party needs to demonstrate competency in order to earn Canadians’ votes. We
- urgently need a unified Council with clear goals to prepare and position the GPC to elect Green MPs
- in the next federal election. We need to revitalize the Party, but in a fiscally responsible manner
- that empowers and motivates our volunteer base.
- I have the skills and commitment necessary to move the Green Party of Canada forward. I respectfully
- ask for your support.
- Experience & Skills
- Test
- Nominators
- Lenore Morris
- Michael MacLean
- Jean-Charles Pelland
- Stuart Hunter
- Clément Badra
- Bob MacKie
- Lorraine Rekmans
- Chad Walcott
- Dana Taylor
- Bruce Livingstone
- Tom Niemann
- Dave Charles
- Linda Brown
- Robyn Ross
- Jocelyn Gifford
- Marilyn Redivo
- Karen Lindsay
- Evelyn Tanaka
- Maria Rodriguez
- Michael Strumberger