2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Pearson Singbeil Montgomery (they/them)
My name is Pearson (they/them), and I am a 22-year-old green from Winnipeg, Manitoba, on Treaty 1 Territory - the stolen lands of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dené and the national homeland of the Red River Métis.
Over the past 5 years, I've worked in a wide variety of roles in the Provincial and Federal Greens, in that time witnessing both the excitement and power of organized and collaborative teams to achieve great things as well as the frustration, disappointment, and conflict that befalls disorganised and poorly-led teams.
Even working on the Young Greens Council this past year and a half as Manitoba Representative and Governance Chair I've seen both - I'm proud to have worked towards successes like sending two young greens to Korea last year for the Global Greens Congress, Organizing our first ever YGC General Meeting, and passing meaningful changes to our structure that will enable more young green participation and power in the GPC - But I also watched over the past few months as a lack of communication and cooperation saw participation drop, work fizzle out, councillors resign, and council meetings all but stop.
I am ready for the work to restart and I am excited to lead it. I have extensive experience rebuilding struggling organizations to become more organized, collaborative, communicative, effective, enjoyable, and safe for all members. I encourage you to read my CV available from the link in my candidate profile or send me an email for more information :)
Experience and Skills
I have served in a wide variety of roles that have prepared me for this role.
Most notably, I was the first Youth Representative on the Green Party of Manitoba's Executive Council, where I worked tirelessly to make the GPM one of the first parties in Canada to offer free youth membership, which saw us increase youth participation in the party more than 30 times. From there, I worked for a year to meet with youth from across Manitoba to design the Manitoba Young Greens from scratch as a fully youth-led unit of the GPM with the power to make its own decisions on policy, publicity, and budget.
I later was called upon to serve as President of the GPM, becoming the youngest and first non-binary person to hold that role in a Manitoba Political party. Working with low council participation, poor member interest, and donor drop-off amidst the global pandemic, I pushed to modernize, digitize, and organize our council's work, update our branding, and organize the party's first leadership contest in more than a decade, receiving strong press coverage and member participation in the process.
I also believe I have valuable intersecting lived experiences to bring to this role - as a queer and gender-diverse person, as a chronically ill person, as a neurodivergent person - I have seen time and time again (including in this party) how spaces either draw in or drive out diverse young participants, and I know I can work to improve that in the GPC.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: linktr.ee/pearson.singbeil
- Stuart Hunter
- Kiara Nazon
- Lien Huynh
- Lara Zullow
- Bryanne Lamoureux
- Andrew Rose
- Lily (Lilian) Barraclough
- Caden Hebb
- Hoc Khoi Tran
- Nicholas Loughton
- Nicholas (Nick) Noble
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