2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Changes at "Lien Huynh (they/them) "
- Lien Huynh (they/them)
-Lien Huynh (they/them)
- Lien Huynh (they/them)
- +Lien Huynh (iel)
- Lien Huynh (they/them)
-Lien Huynh (they/them)
- Lien Huynh (they/them)
- +Lien Huynh (iel)
Lien Huynh (they/them)
Lien Huynh is a second year Political Science student at the University of Ottawa. They have a strong interest in public policy, and exploring different democratic systems. When Lien isn't studying or working on projects for their Student Government, they can be found working on tasks for Youth Parliament of Manitoba, in which they've been an active member for three years.
Experience and Skills
Lien has always prioritized being involved in Academic and Extracurricular activities. In High School they ran a weekly fundraiser for grad, which is where they started to learn about managing money and creating budgets on a large scale. The skills they learned from that opportunity carried over to University where they are the Director of Finance for uOVote(s), a campus club that promotes voter literacy for student elections.
Lien is heavily involved with their Political Science Student Government and is currently serving a term as its VP Communications. As the VP Communications, Lien is responsible for creating a marketing plan to make sure students are aware of the events and programming the Student Government offers. With a team of seven on the Communications Committee, Lien is adept at working with others and catering to their strengths.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- None provided
- Stuart Hunter
- Lilian Barraclough
- Lara Zullow
- Ryan Chang 張世傑
- Pearson Singbeil Montgomery
- Caden Hebb
- Donovan McIntosh