- +Policy Motion:
- +
- +The Green Party of Canada believes that all people have equal rights to nature.
- +
- +To deliver these rights, a Green government will shift away from conventional taxation. Instead, it
- +will enact resource pricing (like carbon pricing) that minimizes - and compensates the public for -
- +pollution, resource extraction, and land use.
- +
- +Submitter: Frank de Jong
- +
- +Sponsors: Mr. Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Andrew Rose, Frank de Jong, Constantine Kritsonis, James M Ker,
- +Donna Mendelsohn, Tim Grant, Phillip Blaney, Evan Bonnar, Tyler Beaulac, Samuel Moisan-Domm, Bruce
- +Gunn, Farrukh Chishtie, Anna Keenan, Chad Walcott, Hannah Bell, Nicolas Levesque-LeBlanc, Conor
- +Hayes, Evelyn Tanaka, Ken Werk, Mr. Colin Griffiths, Richard Demontigny, John Weston, Stuart Hunter,
- +Shel Goldstein, David Lewis
- +
- +Note: This policy motion will be included in the Continuous Motion Development all-member
- +vote. Click here to review the Workshop version ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4194
- +) which contains background information, member comments & amendment history. No dissenting opinions
- +were submitted on this policy proposal.
Continuous Motion Development
Online proposal development for the Green Party of Canada
Changes at "C24-P011 Resolution on Sharing the Commons "
- +C24-P011 Resolution on Sharing the Commons
- +C24-P011 Resolution on Sharing the Commons
- +Policy Motion:
- +
- +The Green Party of Canada believes that all people have equal rights to nature.
- +
- +To deliver these rights, a Green government will shift away from conventional taxation. Instead, it
- +will enact resource pricing (like carbon pricing) that minimizes - and compensates the public for -
- +pollution, resource extraction, and land use.
- +
- +Submitter: Frank de Jong
- +
- +Sponsors: Mr. Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Andrew Rose, Frank de Jong, Constantine Kritsonis, James M Ker,
- +Donna Mendelsohn, Tim Grant, Phillip Blaney, Evan Bonnar, Tyler Beaulac, Samuel Moisan-Domm, Bruce
- +Gunn, Farrukh Chishtie, Anna Keenan, Chad Walcott, Hannah Bell, Nicolas Levesque-LeBlanc, Conor
- +Hayes, Evelyn Tanaka, Ken Werk, Mr. Colin Griffiths, Richard Demontigny, John Weston, Stuart Hunter,
- +Shel Goldstein, David Lewis
- +
- +Note: This policy motion will be included in the Continuous Motion Development all-member
- +vote. Click here to review the Workshop version ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4194
- +) which contains background information, member comments & amendment history. No dissenting opinions
- +were submitted on this policy proposal.
C24-P011 Resolution on Sharing the Commons
Policy Motion:
The Green Party of Canada believes that all people have equal rights to nature.
To deliver these rights, a Green government will shift away from conventional taxation. Instead, it will enact resource pricing (like carbon pricing) that minimizes - and compensates the public for - pollution, resource extraction, and land use.
Submitter: Frank de Jong
Bonser Results: Categorised as Yellow. Received 46.1% green votes, 37.1% yellow votes. This motion underwent a policy workshop and an amendment was accepted.
Sponsors: Mr. Erich Jacoby-Hawkins, Andrew Rose, Frank de Jong, Constantine Kritsonis, James M Ker, Donna Mendelsohn, Tim Grant, Phillip Blaney, Evan Bonnar, Tyler Beaulac, Samuel Moisan-Domm, Bruce Gunn, Farrukh Chishtie, Anna Keenan, Chad Walcott, Hannah Bell, Nicolas Levesque-LeBlanc, Conor Hayes, Evelyn Tanaka, Ken Werk, Mr. Colin Griffiths, Richard Demontigny, John Weston, Stuart Hunter, Shel Goldstein, David Lewis.
Note: This policy motion will be included in the Continuous Motion Development all-member vote. Click here to review the Workshop version which contains background information, member comments & amendment history.