Le Conseil des jeunes Verts
The Young Greens of Canada Council is the governing body of the Young Greens of Canada
We Decide, Young Greens.
To My Fellow Young Greens,
We Decide. The future of the GPC is in our hands and we carry much responsibility to reform and reshape Canadian democracy.
This is Jaden Braves, your proud Co-Chair of the Young Greens of Canada. If we haven't met, joined the Green Party of Canada in 2019 when helping out in my riding, Toronto St. Paul's. I am worried, like many other Young Greens, that people with the wrong values are intoxicated and behind the wheel of other parties. And with that, it is our role to be the voice of the future. Over the past little while, we have been exploring how to make voting and engagement as accessible, easy and efficient as possible while acknowledging the importance of a good software and system. WeDecide is democracy at work: members from across the country with the ability to engage in policy, discussions and information while staying up to date on meetings and Young Greens content.
The initiation of this page is in hopes we can create an engaging space for all Young Greens to participate in, discuss policy, reform systems, lead change and grow our campaign.
But we cannot do it alone, it starts with you. Let's make the Green Party see what the future looks like.
If you have any questions and want to be involved in revolutionizing bureaucracy, reach out: [email protected].
Jaden Braves
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