2024 Special General Meeting
Meeting on Co-Leadership
In preparation for the SGM on November 16-17, the Oversight Committee has organized a series of Member Engagement Sessions.
The first two were held in spring of 2024 and consisted of meetings with Caroline Lucas, (former Leader and Co-Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales), and Lorna Slater (Co-Leader of the Scottish Greens). These sessions allowed us to learn about the experiences of Co-leadership in Green Parties in other regions of the world.
Engagement session 1
Caroline Lucas, former Leader and Co-Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales (Pass code: %DQF$0bC)
Engagements session 2
Lorna Slater, Co-Leader of the Scottish Greens and Liliane Pollmann, German Young Green (Passcode: 17?fv7WX)
Engagement session 3
Held on October 8, this English-only session was devoted to explaining the process for arriving at a final constitutional amendment regarding co-leadership, answering questions about the process and, time permitting, to discussing the relative merits of the various options.
https://vimeo.com/1019977262?share=copy (Passcode: 8kdPcu$1)
Engagement session 4
Held on October 15, this French-only session is devoted to explaining the process for arriving at a final constitutional amendment regarding co-leadership, answering questions about the process and, time permitting, to discussing the relative merits of the various options.
Passcode: 9wcLdy&9
Engagement sessions 5-7
The purpose of these sessions is to allow members to discuss the proposed options. No decisions will be made, however.
ES #5 was held on Monday, October 28 at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm EDT.
ES #6 was held on Wednesday, October 30 from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm EDT.
ES #7 was held on Saturday, November 2 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm EDT. Note that this event will be hosted in both French and English. Although no simultantaneous interpretation will be offered, francophones wishing to comment in French are welcome to join.