- Directive to Federal Council to establish a Committee on Co-Leadership
- This motion directs Federal Council and the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) to strike an Ad
- Hoc Co-Leadership Subcommittee under the CRC to, if determined appropriate, recommend by-law or
- constitutional changes for members to adopt co-leadership at the earliest feasible General Meeting
- or through a Continuous Motion Development Process. The Committee’s work should include evaluating
- international practices and surveying and consulting members and EDAs.
- Submitter: John Willson
- Note from staff: This proposal has been posted for your consideration at the 2023 Annual General
- Meeting. The content of this proposal is fixed, however a draft version has also been posted in the
- Workshop to allow you to collaborate with the submitter on possible amendments. You can access the
- workshop version of this proposal here ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4228 ), which
-the submitter is still able to edit.
- Directive au Conseil fédéral d'établir un comité sur la co-chefferie
- Cette motion demande au Conseil fédéral et au Comité de réforme constitutionnelle (CRC) de créer un
- sous-comité ad hoc sur la co-chefferie sous l'égide du CRC afin de recommander, si cela est jugé
- approprié, des modifications aux règlements ou aux statuts pour que les membres adoptent la
- co-chefferie lors de l'assemblée générale réalisable le plus rapidement possible ou par le biais
- d'un processus continu d’élaboration des politiques. Le travail du comité devrait inclure
- l'évaluation des pratiques internationales ainsi que l'enquête et la consultation des membres et des
- Associations de circonscription électorale (ACE).
- le soumissionnaire: John Willson
- Directive to Federal Council to establish a Committee on Co-Leadership
- This motion directs Federal Council and the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC) to strike an Ad
- Hoc Co-Leadership Subcommittee under the CRC to, if determined appropriate, recommend by-law or
- constitutional changes for members to adopt co-leadership at the earliest feasible General Meeting
- or through a Continuous Motion Development Process. The Committee’s work should include evaluating
- international practices and surveying and consulting members and EDAs.
- Submitter: John Willson
- Note from staff: This proposal has been posted for your consideration at the 2023 Annual General
- Meeting. The content of this proposal is fixed, however a draft version has also been posted in the
- Workshop to allow you to collaborate with the submitter on possible amendments. You can access the
- workshop version of this proposal here ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4228 ), which
- +the submitter is still able to edit.Note from Proposal Shepherds: There are 4 Constitutional
- +amendment proposals and 1 Directive proposal on Co-Leadership, including this proposal. The Policy
- +Development Process Committee recommends reviewing the comments posted by Green Party of Canada
- +members, and the Proposal Shepherds, under each Co-Leadership proposal in the Workshop section (
- +/processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4228 ). You can locate proposals relating to
- +co-leadership using the Category filter, to the left of the Regulatory Proposals tab.
- Directive au Conseil fédéral d'établir un comité sur la co-chefferie
- Cette motion demande au Conseil fédéral et au Comité de réforme constitutionnelle (CRC) de créer un
- sous-comité ad hoc sur la co-chefferie sous l'égide du CRC afin de recommander, si cela est jugé
- approprié, des modifications aux règlements ou aux statuts pour que les membres adoptent la
- co-chefferie lors de l'assemblée générale réalisable le plus rapidement possible ou par le biais
- d'un processus continu d’élaboration des politiques. Le travail du comité devrait inclure
- l'évaluation des pratiques internationales ainsi que l'enquête et la consultation des membres et des
- Associations de circonscription électorale (ACE).
- le soumissionnaire: John Willson