2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Maria Rodriguez (she/her)
Dear fellow PEI Greens, I am running for the position of PEI representative because I believe our party is at a crossroads. To choose the right path as we rebuild and grow, strong internal governance and strong member representation are more critical than ever, and I believe I can make a strong contribution to both. If you elect me, I can assure you I will serve you by doing the two main things Provincial and Territorial Representatives are elected to do:
- To serve as a conduit between the PEI membership and Federal Council, which I think involves reporting both ways: bringing to Council the interests and issues important to members in the province, and keeping local members informed of the main deliberations and decisions happening at the national level. This two-way flow of information is essential for participatory democracy to work and I have learned from experience that it is not always easy. Working to improve internal communications channels in the party would be a priority for me.
- To contribute to good governance at the national level. It is the duty of every councillor to do their due diligence in helping Federal Council make good national decisions grounded on our values and principles on behalf of members. Stressing this aspect has always been a focus and matter of principle for me.
To contribute in these two areas, I bring to the position my experience and track record. I have served on numerous boards and governance-related committees, provincially, nationally, and internationally, in the non-profit sector, government, and within the Green Party. As a deeply engaged Green, I am also active in my EDA and have fostered member-driven engagement federally and provincially in a variety of ways. I hope those of you who have worked with me can attest to my commitment to member engagement, strong governance, and meaningful representation. I look forward to connecting with as many of you as possible in the coming weeks. Thank you for considering my candidacy
Experience and Skills
- I have served and continue to serve in a number of Boards of Directors in the non-profit sector in various capacities, including Treasurer. I am currently the Treasurer of the Atlantic Food Action Coalition, a federally incorporated non-profit.
- I served two terms on the Provincial Council of the Green Party of PEI
- I currently a member of the GPC Governance Committee and served in various GPPEI Governance Committee, Policy Process and Development Committee, and Motions Development Committee for a number of years.
I have significant experience in organizational governance with emphasis on organizations with a diverse membership, and have provided Secretariat functions and/or facilitated restructuring processes in such organizations (for example, the Forum of the Americas for Agricultural research and Development, the Canada-Brazil Consulative consultative Committee on Agriculture); I have taught about governance models in culturally and ethnically diverse organizations.
Finance and Human Resources:
I have been a manager in both the private and public sector, including in a unionized environment. I served six years as the operations manager of a federal research facility with a five million dollar budget and more than 60 staff belonging to three unions.
Grassroots organizations other than Green Parties: before becoming an excluded manager, I was employment equity representative for my own public sector union and, before that, active in farmers' unions in my country of origin, Venezuela.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- none provided
- Jordan Bober
- Anna Keenan
- Darcie Lanthier
- Andrew Lush
- Ramona Pál-Kovács
- Trudy White
- David Woodbury
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