2024 Federal and Young Greens Council Elections
Electing the representatives of the Green Party of Canada's members
Colin Griffiths (he/him)
The Green Party of Canada is at a critical point in its growth. With two MPs, a recently resigned co-leader, and a new Executive Director, we are about to face a major test in the coming national election.
Your new federal council needs to be the best we can make it to ensure a successful campaign. I believe that comes from building a track record in transparency, and in your engagement with the processes that have been established for the direction of your party. In particular I would,
- bring a disciplined, goal-oriented approach to party governance
- work on thorough cooperation and consensus within federal council
- work to reduce the amount of secrecy by avoiding in camera sessions as far as possible
- ensure all federal council and committee meetings are available to all members
- ensure agendas and minutes of all council meetings are fully public
- make sure that all observed meetings reveal full attendance at all times
- work on the next election to ensure a solid environmental platform
- ensure we have a fully costed and funded election plan within our means, but directed at providing a consistent coast to coast to coast message
- plan on organizing as many face-to-face meetings as possible, since direct contact is far preferable to electronic, and more productive
- work on making all our defining party documents easily accessible in downloadable formats.
With over 20 years’ experience with the GPC, I am ready to represent you in the role of VP Anglophone. You need to know and trust the people who are running the party. You will have seen and heard me at many meetings and conventions over that time.
I look forward to receiving your support.
Experience and Skills
I have been active in the Green Party of Canada for over 20 years.
I have founded and been on the boards of several EDAs in both Ontario and Quebec. As a member in Mississippi Mills, in Northumberland Quinte West, in Pontiac and Hull/Aylmer, I have seen how dedicated people can be in the pursuit of green values. I know how hard you work and think about getting candidates elected as Green MPs.
This experience has taught me how valuable and helpful support from the central party is to running a successful campaign.
I have served on the boards of several community non-profit organizations, as president and treasurer. On the Board of Citizen Advocacy in Ottawa-Carleton, I helped establish community support programs for the disadvantaged. For the last eight years I have been on the board of the “Services for the Seniors of the Collines,” where we provide support for elderly, abused and disadvantaged seniors and their families in the Regional Municipality of des Collines de l’Outaouais.
This experience means that I bring a solid understanding of the operation of volunteer boards, in the understanding of the financial facts and constraints of operating an NPO.
I have been a candidate for election, and have run campaigns for election in both federal and provincial ridings. I know what is involved, through experience with both Elections Canada, Elections Quebec and Elections Ontario. I have run the national campaign for a leadership candidate, as both the campaign manager and the financial agent.
The candidate messages represent the views of the candidates only.
Contact Information
- Email: [email protected]
- Arnold Downey
- Beverley Eert
- Claude Bertrand
- Constantine Kritsonis
- David Piepgrass
- Derek Doda
- Didier Peries
- Dimitri Lascaris
- Don Scott donscott
- François Levesque
- Gordon McDowell
- Helen Harwood
- Ian Chapman
- Ian Thomas Shaw
- Ike Bottema
- Jason Scott
- Joe Foster
- Karen Brill
- Kim Bell
- Marcel Lalonde
- Maria Rodriguez
- Mark MacKenzie
- Michael Obrecht
- Samuel Moisan-Domm
- Shel Goldstein
- Suzanne Lacourcière
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