-The Green Party of Canada:-- Recognizes sex work as work,-- Supports and advocates the full decriminalization of sex work, including for immigrants,-- Promotes sex worker-led and community-based approaches to improve working conditions and assist-sex workers who experience violence,- - Rejects legislation that conflates sex work with human trafficking, violence and exploitation.
-Submitter: Alison Lam-Sponsors: Stuart Hunter, Nancy Moniz, Blocked user, Bridget Burns, Andrew Rose, Norbert D'Costa,-John Willson, Jayden Hunter, Naomi Hunter, Don Booth, Shel Goldstein, Ian Soutar, Gerald Haase,-Meghan Hunter, Evelyn Tanaka, Farrukh Chishtie, Randi Ramdeen, Jonathan Pedneault, Peter Tretter,-Michael MacLean, Connie, David MacFarquhar, Tyler Beaulac, Sheila Adams, James Mihaychuk, Lenore-Morris, Colin Creasey, Kyle Hutton, Tim Grant, Sarah Gabrielle Baron, Keith Falconer, James M Ker,-Lorraine Rekmans, Gabriel Blanc, Dyanoosh Youssefi, Mary Kidnew, Karen Farley, Jennifer Purdy, Derek-Menard, David Hitchcock, Vincent J.Carbonneau, Natalie Odd, Kathryn Noddin, Bruce Gunn, Jeff-Desjardins, Paul Conry, Dugald, Jesse Stuart, Robin Marty, Dylan Murray, Marinus Eterman, Phillip-Blaney, John Weston, Dennis Choptiany, Bruce Livingstone, Marion Markham, Mathieu Gauthier, J-Herbert Latchko, Erika Warnes, Matt Penne--Note from staff: This proposal is for consideration at the 19th Annual General Meeting. A second-copy, with additional background information, is available in the Workshop to allow you to-collaborate on amendments. You can access the workshop version here (-/processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4123?locale=en ), which the submitter can still edit.
- L e Parti Vert du Canada :
- - Reconnaît le travail sexuel comme un travail,
- - Appuie et préconise la décriminalisation complète du travail sexuel, y compris pour les
- immigrants,
- - Favorise les approches communautaires et dirigées par les travailleurs du sexe pour améliorer les
- conditions de travail et aider les travailleurs du sexe qui subissent des violences,
- - Rejette les lois qui font l'amalgame entre le travail sexuel et la traite des êtres humains, la
- violence et l'exploitation.
- Subordonné(e) : Alison Lam
- Parrains : Stuart Hunter, Nancy Moniz, Utilisateur bloqué, Bridget Burns, Andrew Rose, Norbert
- D'Costa, John Willson, Jayden Hunter, Naomi Hunter, Don Booth, Shel Goldstein, Ian Soutar, Gerald
- Haase, Meghan Hunter, Evelyn Tanaka, Farrukh Chishtie, Randi Ramdeen, Jonathan Pedneault, Peter
- Tretter, Michael MacLean, Connie, David MacFarquhar, Tyler Beaulac, Sheila Adams, James Mihaychuk,
- Lenore Morris, Colin Creasey, Kyle Hutton, Tim Grant, Sarah Gabrielle Baron, Keith Falconer, James M
- Ker, Lorraine Rekmans, Gabriel Blanc, Dyanoosh Youssefi, Mary Kidnew, Karen Farley, Jennifer Purdy,
- Derek Menard, David Hitchcock, Vincent J.Carbonneau, Natalie Odd, Kathryn Noddin, Bruce Gunn, Jeff
- Desjardins, Paul Conry, Dugald, Jesse Stuart, Robin Marty, Dylan Murray, Marinus Eterman, Phillip
- Blaney, John Weston, Dennis Choptiany, Bruce Livingstone, Marion Markham, Mathieu Gauthier, J
- Herbert Latchko, Erika Warnes, Matt Penney
- Note du personnel: Cette proposition est soumise à l'examen de la 19e assemblée générale annuelle.
- Une deuxième copie, avec des renseignements contextuels supplémentaires, est disponible dans
- l'atelier pour vous permettre de collaborer sur les modifications.Vous pouvez accéder ici à la
- version de l'atelier ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4123?locale=fr ), que la ou le
- soumissionnaire de la proposition peut encore modifier.
- +I would like to propose that the Decriminalizing Sex Work policy be amended to include the
- +following.
- +
- +Decriminalizing Sex Work: A Human Rights Approach to Advocating Sex Workers’ Right
- +
- +Proposal text
- +
- +Green Party of Canada:
- +
- +- Recognizes sex work as work.
- +
- +- Supports and advocates the full decriminalization of sex work, including for immigrants.
- +
- +- [ Amendment - removing the word promote ] Oversee sex worker-led and community-based approaches to
- +improve working conditions and assist sex workers who experience violence.
- +
- - Rejects legislation that conflates sex work with human trafficking, violence and exploitation.
- +-[ Amendment ] It is equally important to include a proposal advocating for preventive measures and
- +outreach programs to discourage sex work, addressing evident health and social construct concerns.
- +As protecting the individual and humanity is of the utmost importance.
- +
- +Keynote:
- +
- +While it's crucial to support the above-mentioned proposal due to human rights violations, it is
- +equally important to include a proposal advocating for preventive measures and outreach programs to
- +discourage sex work, addressing evident health and social construct concerns. As protecting the
- +individual and humanity is of the utmost importance
- +
- +Type of Proposal
- +
- +Public policy that the party would represent
- +
- +Objective / Benefit
- +
- +Under current criminal laws, sex workers are simultaneously treated as victims and criminals. The
- +“Nordic Model” isolates sex workers, resulting in violence, discrimination, and lack of access to
- +social, legal and health services. For migrant sex workers, this harm is exacerbated by provisions
- +in the IRPR that forbid migrants from working in the sex industry under threat of detainment and
- +deportation. The argument that sex workers are unaffected by criminalization is erroneous; not only
- +are sex workers criminalized for selling sexual services in a public space, but they are impacted by
- +the criminalization of clients and third parties.
- +
- +If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- +
- +This would be considered as an update to G18-P010, as it calls for decriminalization and further
- +explains how the aims G18-P010 (which is vague in details) can be attained.
- +
- +List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- +
- +(n.d.). Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform – Fighting to uphold sex workers' human
- +rights. https://sexworklawreform.com/ (External link)
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/link?external_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsexworklawreform.com%2F ) Benoit, C.
- +(n.d.). Understanding Sex Work. University of
- +Victoria. https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/cisur/projects/active/projects/understanding-sex-work.php (External
- +link)
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/link?external_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uvic.ca%2Fresearch%2Fcentres%2Fcisur%2Fprojects%2Factive%2Fprojects%2Funderstanding-sex-work.php )
- + Black, D. (2007, March 21). Charter challenge on prostitution filed | The Star. The Toronto
- +Star. https://www.thestar.com/news/2007/03/21/charter_challenge_on_prostitution_filed.html (External
- +link)
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/link?external_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thestar.com%2Fnews%2F2007%2F03%2F21%2Fcharter_challenge_on_prostitution_filed.html )
- + Butterfly. (2018). Behind the Rescue: How Anti-Trafficking Investigations and Policies Harm
- +Migrant Sex
- +Workers. https://www.butterflysw.org/_files/ugd/5bd754_bbd71c0235c740e3a7d444956d95236b.pdf (External
- +link)
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/link?external_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.butterflysw.org%2F_files%2Fugd%2F5bd754_bbd71c0235c740e3a7d444956d95236b.pdf )
- + Butterfly. (2022, August 11). Open Letter on the Newmarket Crisis.
- +Medium. https://medium.com/@butterflycsw/open-letter-on-the-newmarket-crisis-32e159d5a52b (External
- +link)
- +( https://wedecide.green.ca/link?external_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedium.com%2F%40butterflycsw%2Fopen-letter-on-the-newmarket-crisis-32e159d5a52b )
- + Butterfly: Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network. (2020, May 20). .Say no to Bill S-224,
- +An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons).
- +
- +Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- +group or groups?
- +
- +Sex work is made up of many individuals living on the intersections of marginality, including women,
- +members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and immigrants. There are many NGOs and social justice
- +advocates, not to mention Global Greens, who advocate full decriminalization of sex work. I have
- +worked with many sex work support organizations in Canada, including the Canadian Alliance of Sex
- +Work Law Reform, Butterfly: Asian and Migrant Sex Worker Support Network, ANSWER Society, and SWAN
- +Vancouver.
- +
- +Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- +
- +Yes
- +
- +Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- +English
- L e Parti Vert du Canada :
- - Reconnaît le travail sexuel comme un travail,
- - Appuie et préconise la décriminalisation complète du travail sexuel, y compris pour les
- immigrants,
- - Favorise les approches communautaires et dirigées par les travailleurs du sexe pour améliorer les
- conditions de travail et aider les travailleurs du sexe qui subissent des violences,
- - Rejette les lois qui font l'amalgame entre le travail sexuel et la traite des êtres humains, la
- violence et l'exploitation.
- Subordonné(e) : Alison Lam
- Parrains : Stuart Hunter, Nancy Moniz, Utilisateur bloqué, Bridget Burns, Andrew Rose, Norbert
- D'Costa, John Willson, Jayden Hunter, Naomi Hunter, Don Booth, Shel Goldstein, Ian Soutar, Gerald
- Haase, Meghan Hunter, Evelyn Tanaka, Farrukh Chishtie, Randi Ramdeen, Jonathan Pedneault, Peter
- Tretter, Michael MacLean, Connie, David MacFarquhar, Tyler Beaulac, Sheila Adams, James Mihaychuk,
- Lenore Morris, Colin Creasey, Kyle Hutton, Tim Grant, Sarah Gabrielle Baron, Keith Falconer, James M
- Ker, Lorraine Rekmans, Gabriel Blanc, Dyanoosh Youssefi, Mary Kidnew, Karen Farley, Jennifer Purdy,
- Derek Menard, David Hitchcock, Vincent J.Carbonneau, Natalie Odd, Kathryn Noddin, Bruce Gunn, Jeff
- Desjardins, Paul Conry, Dugald, Jesse Stuart, Robin Marty, Dylan Murray, Marinus Eterman, Phillip
- Blaney, John Weston, Dennis Choptiany, Bruce Livingstone, Marion Markham, Mathieu Gauthier, J
- Herbert Latchko, Erika Warnes, Matt Penney
- Note du personnel: Cette proposition est soumise à l'examen de la 19e assemblée générale annuelle.
- Une deuxième copie, avec des renseignements contextuels supplémentaires, est disponible dans
- l'atelier pour vous permettre de collaborer sur les modifications.Vous pouvez accéder ici à la
- version de l'atelier ( /processes/create-proposals/f/457/proposals/4123?locale=fr ), que la ou le
- soumissionnaire de la proposition peut encore modifier.