Fill vacant Indigenous seats on Federal Council by a vote as per the constitution
- Introductory Statement
- Federal Council was directed by the last AGM to open 3 seats for election for Inuit, Metis and First Nations. NO election has been called.
- Emergency Motion Statement
- Emergency Motion: AGM 2024- The members of the GPC call on Federal Council to immediately open elections for a First Nations Representative, an Inuit representative, and a Métis representative to bring the GPC Federal Council into compliance with the Constitution. In odd numbered years the representatives of Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta, the representative from the Territories, the First Nations representative, the President and the Vice President French shall be elected. In even numbered years the representatives of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Vice President English, the Inuit representative, the Métis representative, and the Fund Representative shall be elected.
- Type of Emergency Motion
- A directive to ask the party’s Federal Council to consider an action
- Benefit
- This will allow our indigenous Green Party members an opportunity to be heard at the highest levels
- Who does this motion impact?
- Every one, both within and without the party.
- Impact on exisiting GPC policy.
- Not applicable (e.g., directive to council, constitutional amendment)
- Green Values
Social JusticeRespect for DiversityParticipatory Democracy
- Supporting Evidence
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Unsure or Not applicable (e.g. directives and constitutional changes)
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
This proposal has been accepted because:
82% voted in favour of adopting this motion.
94.7% voted in favor of adopting this motion in the post-GM all member (ratification) vote. The Policy Development Process Committee transferred accountability for the Emergency Motion “To fill the vacant Indigenous seats on Federal Council by a vote as per the constitution” to Federal Council and the Governance Committee on Wednesday June 26, 2024.
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We were meeting monthly, despite receiving no support ( zoom , note taker) from FC. I anticpated that FC might wait a month or 2. in May of last year we had 2 members say tehy wished to fill those seats. WE expwected a n election in August or Sept. MUch of IPAC's time was spent dsicussing the feeling of not being safe by 2 indigenous members who sat on FC. But safety and holding eelctions seem to have been confalted as advice to not have elections rather than making FC a safer place. I mourn GPC losing such good people and fear that I will have no party to turn to. It feels like a choice of staying with bad or turning to worse or terrible. I have been a memebr of GPC for almost 20 years. I have spoken to FC and attended a retreat, facilitated the Blanket Exercise with FC. I truly hoped that my voice might be heard.
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