19ème assemblée générale
« La terre ne nous appartient pas, nous l'empruntons à nos enfants. » Proverbe autochtone
Changements sur "Allowing in-person General Meetings"
- +rejected
- +rejected
Allowing in-person General Meetings
- Introductory Statement
- At the last general meeting, during the height of the pandemic, an amendment was made that prevents the Party from holding in-person only General Meetings. While that may have made sense at the time, over 2 years later this needs to be reviewed as in-person meetings are a critical part of social organizations such as political parties.
- Emergency Motion Statement
- Article 8.7 be amended to read: "A General Meeting may be held in person, online, or a hybrid of online and in person."
- Type of Emergency Motion
- A constitutional amendment to change the constitution or bylaws
- Benefit
- This amend gives the Party flexibility to host General Meetings in a way that makes sense for that particular cycle, either online, in person, or a hybrid of the two. Currently technological and organizational limits make hybrid meetings nearly impossible, hence preventing any in-person get togethers. The lack of in-person gathering hampers the ability of members and volunteers to connect with one another, forming bonds and connections, sharing stories and experience in formal and informal ways. So much happens outside the official programming of a meeting that can't be replicated in an online environment.
- Who does this motion impact?
- Party members, volunteers, and staff
- Impact on exisiting GPC policy.
- Not applicable (e.g., directive to council, constitutional amendment)
- Green Values
SustainabilitySocial JusticeParticipatory Democracy
- Supporting Evidence
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Unsure or Not applicable (e.g. directives and constitutional changes)
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English