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Update to G16-P011: Recognition of Trans and Non-Binary People and Respecting Gender Identity and Expression
The Green Party of Canada recognizes that: trans men are men; trans women are women; there are many gender identities and expressions within, and outside of, the traditional gender binary of man and woman; a gender spectrum exists and is valid; and that gender identity, expression and chosen pronouns are to be respected.
Type of Proposal
Public policy that the party would represent
Objective / Benefit
This policy is drafted to bring us in line with our fellow Greens across the world to formally clarify our support for non-binary and trans Canadians and those with gender identities beyond the traditional identities of man and woman. Inspired by updates to the Green Party of England and Wales’ policy documentation and as a response to growing transphobia in Canada and elsewhere.
If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
This policy does not replace, but updates, an existing policy: G16-P011 - Advancing the Equality of LGBTQ+ Canadians
List any supporting evidence for your proposal
Green Party of England and Wales' Rights and Responsibilities (under Trans Rights):
Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the group or groups?
This proposal is designed to positively push for formal recognition of trans and non-binary people by the Green Party of Canada, and to instill formal recognition of gender identity. No direct contact has been made as of writing this proposal on August 5th, but the time crunch for proposals to gain sponsors leads me to put this out first and field consultation following, which may lead to further updates.
Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
This proposal has been accepted because:
72.8% of members voted in favour of adopting this motion in the all-member vote.
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Thank you, Blake, your argument does elucidate better much or your concern and I do appreciate that.
However, I respectfully disagree in the means of how to achieve the goals of your stated intention.
Words have meaning. "Man and Woman" denote biological sex which I know is way more complicated than a binary understanding, and there exist other words to describe the diversity of other folks' realities.
Gender, a concept I question, believing us all to be "non-binary" within that construct, having and expressing a wide range of traits that traditionally had been glommed together into false categories of masculine and feminine. In the 70's progressive society seemed to have liberated itself from much of "Sex Role Stereotyping"; which I thought was a great freeing process. And, there was a flourishing of non-hetereo Sexual Orientation remedying much Homophobia and Biphobia, where Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals were more openly accepted, and legislated protections Charter Human Rights related to Orientation; leading up to the normalizing of Same Sex Relations and Marriage.
Much of the Trans Movement strikes me as regressive and Homophobic where fear of living as a homosexual, fear of persecution as a homosexual, or internalized hatred of one's homosexuality lead one to transition to live as another sex to avoid their nascent homosexuality. I see parents so horrified at the prospect of their son or daughter becoming a Gay or Lesbian that they encourage their children to irrevocably harm themselves chemically &/or surgically to alter their body to appear as another sex. And children have not the developmental capacity for informed consent.
Yes, some Adults are genuine trans persons and can choose to live and express AS another sex, and the words developed for that are transwoman and transman, but their actual sex has not changed. A man may be a transwoman and a woman may be transman. Or some variation along the continuum, all of which imho seems unnecessary as they can each be as "feminine or masculine" or none of those old fashioned trait compilation as they choose or discover themselves to be, and still be protected by Human Rights, and deserve respect on the grounds of their Humanity.
For instance, what could be more feminine for a woman than to be strong, athletic, assertive, bold, loves wearing comfortable flexible clothes, adventurous, or likewise masculine for a man, or any intersex variation. We no longer need to be restricted to 50's-style sex role stereotypes. Be a man who loves to wear a dress and loves (& seeks sex with) other men or women or both or none, if that's who you are; likewise for any woman, or anyone else.
But, PLEASE, do not use the word "man or woman" to describe some option within a constructed category called Gender.
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