Randy Randy Schelhas
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I am a retired industrial electrician (also electronics eng technician, knitting mechanic, multi-crop farmer) who is known for being able to fix just about anything. I still own 5 mixed income multiplexes down from 8 previous which has been possible because I do my own work, from plumbing to roofing and everything in between.
I have been involved in politics for 30 years starting with the first Green candidate in my city of Brantford, thereafter 4 elections each with the PCs and the NDP. I ran municipally in Ward 1 in 2014 canvassing the full ward and getting a respectable number of votes. My very first foray into public service was the submission of the TROPSIF economic model which was an analogy to the behavior of DC and AC electrical power factor theory to the politics of capital flow which was submitted to the federal Liberal party for me by our then MPP and former mayor, David Neumann.
I understand politics and people in a humble manner, having been beaten down from a young age and surviving. That having been said; some people mistake kindness for weakness and I can be emotionally reactive. A long time ago, my IQ measured 138 while more recently a Myers-Briggs test showed my personality to be the same type as Einstein and Gates.
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