Développement du mouvement continu
Développement de propositions en ligne pour le Parti Vert du Canada
Changements sur "Atelier politique : Infrastructure, santé et croissance démographique "
Titre (English)
- +Policy Workshop
Titre (Français)
Description (English)
- +Policy Workshop on the following policy proposals:
- +
- +G23-P022 Resolution on Sharing the Commons. Submitted by Frank De Jong. Received 46.1% green votes
- +in the online Bonser.
- +G23-P030 Free post-secondary for Doctors and Nurses. Submitted by Sarah Gabrielle Baron. Received
- +43.3% green votes in the online Bonser.
- +G23-P028 Reduce Canada's population growth to a moderate sustainable level. Submitted by Brian
- +Graff. Received 34% green votes in the online Bonser.
Description (Français)
Heure de début
- +2024-06-05 17:30:00 -0400
Heure de fin
- +2024-06-05 19:00:00 -0400
Lieu (English)
Lieu (Français)
Indicateurs d’emplacement (English)
Indicateurs d’emplacement (Français)
Titre (English)
- +Policy Workshop
Titre (Français)
Description (English)
- +Policy Workshop on the following policy proposals:
- +
- +G23-P022 Resolution on Sharing the Commons. Submitted by Frank De Jong. Received 46.1% green votes
- +in the online Bonser.
- +G23-P030 Free post-secondary for Doctors and Nurses. Submitted by Sarah Gabrielle Baron. Received
- +43.3% green votes in the online Bonser.
- +G23-P028 Reduce Canada's population growth to a moderate sustainable level. Submitted by Brian
- +Graff. Received 34% green votes in the online Bonser.
Description (Français)
Heure de début
- +2024-06-05 17:30:00 -0400
Heure de fin
- +2024-06-05 19:00:00 -0400