-Proposal textBE IT RESOLVED THAT the Green Party of Canada will seek an end to the incarceration of-Indigenous persons; will advocate for restorative justice, healing lodges, and other Indigenous-led,-community-based responses to offenders and victims; for removal of Indigenous persons from prisons-and jails; and for deep investment in prevention. Type of ProposalPublic policy that the party would-representObjective / BenefitThe over-incarceration of Indigenous persons has been increasing over-the past few decades. This is so despite legislation and Supreme Court of Canada decisions aimed at-decreasing the numbers.- Indigenous women make up 5% of the general population, but they comprise 50% of federally-sentenced
- women.
- Indigenous adults account for 5% of the general population in Canada, but they make up over 30% of
- the inmate population.
- Indigenous youth make up 8% of Canada’s youth population, but they account for 50% of youth
- admissions to custody.
- Existing approaches have been ineffective. Let’s advocate for more pro-active ways of addressing
-this injustice.If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it-replace?N/AList any supporting evidence for your-proposalhttps://oci-bec.gc.ca/en/content/correctional-investigator-says-situation-black-people-canadian-federal-penitentiaries-has- https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/220420/dq220420c-eng.pdf?st=HJ32x-0u
- https://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/005008-rib-21-22-en.shtml
- https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/justice-canada-study-finds-courts-stacked-against-indigenous-accused/
- https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-racialized-prisoners-in-canada-get-fewer-chances-at-parole-than-white/
- https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/canadas-prison-system-has-changed-little-for-indigenous-peoples-report/#:~:text=Little%20has%20changed%20for%20Indigenous,being%20able%20to%20get%20out.
-(Thanks to Lorraine Rekmans for sharing this APTN article)Does this proposal affect any particular-group and what efforts have been made to consult with the group or groups?It impacts Indigenous-persons. These issues have been previously canvassed with the GPC Indigenous Affairs Critic; and-the proposals have been checked against Indigenous-led organizations and leaders' positions on the-justice systemJurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?YesPlease indicate the-language the proposal is being submitted in.English
- +Proposal text
- +
- +BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Green Party of Canada will seek an end to the over-representation of
- +Indigenous persons in prisons and jails, through:
- +
- +* advocating for the inclusion of restorative justice, healing lodges, and other Indigenous-led,
- +community-based responses to offenders and victims, where appropriate; and
- +* deep investment in Indigenous-led prevention programs.
- +Type of Proposal
- +
- +Public policy that the party would represent
- +
- +Objective / Benefit
- +
- +The over-incarceration of Indigenous persons has been increasing over the past few decades. This is
- +so despite legislation and Supreme Court of Canada decisions aimed at decreasing the numbers.
- Indigenous women make up 5% of the general population, but they comprise 50% of federally-sentenced
- women.
- Indigenous adults account for 5% of the general population in Canada, but they make up over 30% of
- the inmate population.
- Indigenous youth make up 8% of Canada’s youth population, but they account for 50% of youth
- admissions to custody.
- Existing approaches have been ineffective. Let’s advocate for more pro-active ways of addressing
- +this injustice.
- +
- +If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- +
- +N/A
- +
- +List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- +
- +https://oci-bec.gc.ca/en/content/correctional-investigator-says-situation-black-people-canadian-federal-penitentiaries-has
- https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/220420/dq220420c-eng.pdf?st=HJ32x-0u
- https://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/005008-rib-21-22-en.shtml
- https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/justice-canada-study-finds-courts-stacked-against-indigenous-accused/
- https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-racialized-prisoners-in-canada-get-fewer-chances-at-parole-than-white/
- https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/canadas-prison-system-has-changed-little-for-indigenous-peoples-report/#:~:text=Little%20has%20changed%20for%20Indigenous,being%20able%20to%20get%20out.
- +(Thanks to Lorraine Rekmans for sharing this APTN article)
- +
- +Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- +group or groups?
- +
- +It impacts Indigenous persons. These issues have been previously canvassed with the GPC Indigenous
- +Affairs Critic; and the proposals have been checked against Indigenous-led organizations and
- +leaders' positions on the justice system
- +
- +Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- +
- +Yes
- +
- +Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- +
- +English
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Dyanoosh Youssefi (policy submitter) comments on the amendments: (Please note that I have consulted with Rainbow Eyes, the GPC Indigenous Affairs Shadow Cabinet Critic, on these proposals):
"Mass incarceration" empahsizes the urgency of the situation, and it is how Ivan Zinger, Canada's Correctional Investigator, as described the situation. I'd rather we do not water down the phrasing. However, if we can only pass it with the proposed change ("Over-incarceration"), then I accept the change.
These changes are agreeable: "Indigenous persons in prisons and jails, through:
advocating for the inclusion of restorative justice, healing lodges, and other Indigenous-led,"
The phrase for "removal of Indigenous persons from prisons" must be kept in, as it aligns with our earlier decarceration policies, and as it does not prevent incarceration where it's absolutely necessary. If desired, can change to "removal of the majority of Indigenous persons from prisons." So it can look like this: "community-based responses to offenders and victims, where appropriate, and for removal of most Indigenous persons from prisons."
The proposal that I made was aligned to earlier policies which have not been repealed. Readers and those who propose policy changes need to look at earlier policies.
I do not accept this amendment: "deep investment in Indigenous-led prevention programs." There is a problem with putting the onus strictly on Indigenous communities. I will accept a modified version of this phrase, which says, "deep investment in Indigenous-led as well as federal and provicially-led prevention programs."
Any proposed changes that I have not commented on are acceptable.
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