- Proposal text
-The Green Party of Canada supports proportional representation and electoral reform, therefore the-Green Party of Canada will implement a Single Member Party Proportional voting system in conjunction-with other Green Party of Canada approved proportional representation systems for consideration by a-Citizens Assembly on Proportional Representation.- Type of Proposal
- Public policy that the party would represent
- Objective / Benefit
- The objective is to implement proportional representation in the voting system.
- If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- N/A
- List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- N/A
- Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- group or groups?
- N/A
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
- Proposal text
- +The Green Party of Canada will consider a Single Member Party Proportional Voting system alongside
- +other Proportional Representation systems, and a nation-wide Citizen’s Assembly will be held on
- +democratic reform and will include presentations on all Proportional Representation systems
- Type of Proposal
- Public policy that the party would represent
- Objective / Benefit
- The objective is to implement proportional representation in the voting system.
- If your proposal replaces an existing policy or policies, which one does it replace?
- N/A
- List any supporting evidence for your proposal
- N/A
- Does this proposal affect any particular group and what efforts have been made to consult with the
- group or groups?
- N/A
- Jurisdiction: Is this proposal under federal jurisdiction?
- Yes
- Please indicate the language the proposal is being submitted in.
- English
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