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Consider Single Member Party Proportional Voting
Proposal text
The Green Party of Canada will consider a Single Member Party Proportional Voting system alongside other Proportional Representation systems, and that a nation-wide Citizen’s Assembly will be held on democratic reform and will include presentations on all Proportional Representation systems.
Type of Proposal
Public policy that the party would represent
Objective / Benefit
The objective is to implement proportional representation in the voting system.
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Conversation with Mr. Colin Griffiths
Agree with James: this is not a good idea.
Nor necessarily is the current idea of proportional representation. I far prefer a system of transferable votes along the lines that the liberals and the greens use internally, ensuring that the elected individual receives at least 50% of the votes in each riding, with no changes of riding boundaries.
Please see the response that I gave to James. Regarding your opinion that the current idea of PR isn't a necessarily a good idea, we are going to have to disagree on that, though I will give you that the current system is convoluted, and needs to be made simpler for the general public to understand. That is where SMPP comes in. It is actually posited as a temporary system to get the general public behind PR, but we didn't mention that, (though you would have seen this if you had read some of my previous responses), because we felt that that decision was up to the Citizens Assembly.
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